How to Market Your Business Using Facebook Groups

How to Market Your Business Using Facebook Groups

Social Media
  The key to marketing success is getting an effective promotional message about your company in front of large numbers of potential customers. Facebook Groups are an excellent tool for making large numbers of people aware of your business, your products or services, and your message. With so many groups available for you to join, how do you know which ones to join to market our business? How do you make yourself (and your business) stand out in a crowded Facebook group? How to Market Your Business Using Facebook Groups 1. Find groups that your prospective clients would join. Search Groups for interests that you would expect your customers to have. For example, if you sell camping gear, search for groups using keywords like camping, hunting, or outdoors. You will find…
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Use These Twitter Stats To Help You Get More Conversions

Use These Twitter Stats To Help You Get More Conversions

Social Media
Could you use some help with your Twitter game? Perhaps you're tweeting not-so-regularly, but your tweets aren't getting you any engagement? Maybe learning a few Twitter stats can help you figure out how to tweak your strategy! It's no secret that Twitter is my favorite social media platform. How do I love Twitter? Let me count the ways... It is no secret that I have a love affair with Twitter, as it's my favorite social media platform. There are many uses for Twitter, including, connecting with key influencers demonstrating your expertise in 140 characters or less (yes, it is possible) reaching PR folks and responding to opportunities finding speaking engagements catching up on the latest marketing trends performing geographic and industry advanced searches to find people Perhaps one of the most significant reasons I…
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How to Use Social Media to Build Your Credibility

How to Use Social Media to Build Your Credibility

Social Media
Do you have visions of building a loyal community of social media fans? Do you want to sit behind your laptop and build a virtual empire? Have you figured out how to go about using social media to prove you know your stuff? That you're an expert in your field? Social media is an incredibly powerful marketing tool that can help you to reach a potentially unlimited number of people with the very minimum investment in terms of time, money and effort. While social media might be incredibly powerful, it's still only going to be as good as the strategy you have in place. If you haven't first established yourself as a credible authority then you'll find that everything you do falls on deaf ears.   How to Use Social Media to…
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Kindle Book: I’m On Social Media, Now What Do I Say?

Book Reviews, Social Media
I'm On Social Media, Now What Do I Say? A Comprehensive Content and Engagement Strategy Guide for Entrepreneurs [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Have you had enough of those social media books that touch the surface of a content strategy, but don’t give enough details for you to actually figure it all out? Are you using social media specifically for business, and not seeing results from your efforts? Have you set up your social media accounts, and still stumped by what you’re supposed to say? No more wasting hours and hours on social media, not seeing results from your efforts. [Tweet "Get your copy of I'm On Social Media, Now What Do I Say at"] I’m On Social Media, Now What Do I Say?  explains the type of content businesses should post on social media.…
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How to Use Pinterest for Profit and Promotion

How to Use Pinterest for Profit and Promotion

Social Media
Pinterest may have started out as a place for women to share product images, but its meteoric rise as a social network makes it a great place for businesses too. Think of it as a place to share ideas in a visual way and be creative about how you can use Pinterest for profit from that perspective. Users on Pinterest love to share and repin images from a whole range of categories. As with any social network you just need to find a balance between self-promotion, social networking, and making money. Here are just a few ways you can use Pinterest for profit and promotion for your blog and business. Promote Your Blog If you have an image on your blog, it’s pinnable. For that reason alone, you should always add…
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Nine Great Ways to Turn Your Facebook Fans Into Customers

Nine Great Ways to Turn Your Facebook Fans Into Customers

Social Media
Facebook is a great way to promote your business as it allows you the opportunity to reach billions of people with the click of a button. The goal of any business is to make money. If you're spending time on social media you have to convert your fans into customers. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds, though, and with a bit of strategy, you can turn your Facebook fans into customers. Here are nine different ways to maximize the potential of your Facebook fan base.   1. Offer a Free Product If They Like Your Page Everyone likes free stuff and this is a common practice when it comes to Facebook. Offer your customers something free if they like your page, such as promotional material like a sticker or anything…
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How to Increase Productivity and Avoid the Social Media Sink Hole

How to Increase Productivity and Avoid the Social Media Sink Hole

Social Media, Strategy
Do you find yourself using social media for hours and hours a day, without a plan? Or, do you throw your hands up in frustration over your lack of time for using social media, yet you understand the potential power of social networking and what it can do for your business? Are you in need of a social media time management  plan? Social networking is here to stay – Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Plus, blogging - plus a host of new social networking sites are launched every other week. People want to be connected and the speed we’re moving in to stay connected is frightful at times – how can you keep up? But more importantly, are you being less productive than you should by visiting social networking sites? It's…
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Questions To Ponder When Writing For Social Media

Questions To Ponder When Writing For Social Media

Social Media
When writing copy for different platforms, it's important to take into consideration the culture of the social media network as well as your audience. Writing for Social Media The standards for email copy, website copy, and social media copy are different and there are things you should think about before you write the copy. Not only that, you don't want to put the same copy up everywhere. You want to be innovative and fresh on each platform that you place any content. Here are some questions to consider BEFORE you write any content for social media. 1. What Platform Rules Exist? Each platform has its own rules that you should keep in mind before you create the copy for that medium. For example, Twitter language and abbreviations make sense for that…
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