
Local Marketing Tips For A Landscaping Business

Local Marketing Tips For A Landscaping Business

Local Marketing
With more and more people taking pride in their gardens, landscaping has never been more popular. A landscaped garden can increase a home’s value by between 5.5% and 12.7%. This is dependent upon the type of landscape and the home’s original value. If you’re a landscape gardener you may be thinking about how to capitalize on this. Here are some local marketing tips to help your business thrive. Local Marketing Tips For A Landscaping Business   Define Your Client As with any business, you need to know who you want to work for. Once you are aware of this, you can cater your marketing specifically for them. It would be nonsensical using the same marketing techniques for everyone because of their different expectations and budget. Furthermore, when you have identified…
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Create Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline

Create Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline

Tips and Tools
Most businesses start out with a dream and an inspiration, but that is where it ends. Even the most innovative businesses can wind up closing their doors because a good action plan and a focused timeline were not in place at conception. There are many benefits to creating your action plan and online business timeline. When you have an action plan put into place and follow it regularly and continue to focus on your business timeline, things will run much more smoothly for your new business, your employees, and your customers. Note: An action plan and timeline are useful even if your business has been around for a little while. It is never too late for proper planning! Here are a few tips to help you get started. Create Your…
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Conquer Marketing to People With Short Attention Spans

Conquer Marketing to People With Short Attention Spans

Marketing Strategy
In the era of instant gratification, consumers have the attention spans of... are you already thinking of something else?! The challenge is that marketers have to figure out how to capture attention spans in far less than 10 seconds. This means marketing campaigns have to succinct, creative and have just enough pop to make the consumer pay attention. But this poses a problem.  They say that the attention span of the public, when it comes to grabbing their attention, is only eight seconds. The problem with short attention spans and content marketing is that usually it takes more than eight seconds for the user to click through to the content and start reading. But, there are ways to fight back and conquer marketing to people with short attention spans –…
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Boost Your Brand Through Social Media Engagement

Boost Your Brand Through Social Media Engagement

Social Media
The premise of social media is all about fostering interaction. There are no fancy tricks to learn. Using social media is about compelling people consistently to engage with you and then share your content. This is the main purpose of social media and it applies across every network. There is no secret formula necessary in order to become a social media success story, all you need is compelling human interaction. What does compelling human interaction mean? The exact definition depends on your website or blog, but generally speaking it means that you want to involve people in a conversation that is related to your topic. It is really nothing more complicated than this. The key to social media is being social. By pure definition, social media should be a two…
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What Your USP Really Means to You and Your Customers

What Your USP Really Means to You and Your Customers

Marketing Strategy
How many marketing terms have you heard, that make you go hmmmm? There is never a shortage of marketing terms that get tossed around, that non-marketing folks don't fully understand the relevance of. One of those terms is a USP - Unique Selling Proposition. Here's why you need to know what it is, and what it means for your business. Crafting your unique selling proposition (USP) is an important component in running a long-term, successful business. The process of creating and writing down your beliefs and values, and aligning them with your goals and strategy, will help you to create an action plan for success. If you don’t understand why you do something, and you can’t explain why to others, it will be difficult to create either products or materials…
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15 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

15 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

Social Media
Once you have learned how to set up accounts on all of the major social media sites, the next step is to learn how to get followers and boost engagement. Many people will approach social media marketing with a step by step process that has to be carried out each day. For this reason, you will see many folks posting a set number of status updates and sharing a set number of articles each day. Social media is more about engaging with your followers to generate lifelong customers. It is also a way to gather market research that is necessary for keeping your products and services new and fresh. Here are a few ways that you can use your social media accounts to gain more followers and boost your engagement…
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Too Good to Be True? Traffic Methods to Avoid and Why

Too Good to Be True? Traffic Methods to Avoid and Why

Website Design & SEO
There are people who will give you tips to increase traffic to your website who don't care if you ruin your entire business. All they care about is that they sold you an information product that "works". Sure, these traffic methods may work, but only until you get caught. Then your business will be ruined because Google will block you out, and people will feel lied to. Too Good to Be True? Traffic Methods to Avoid and Why   Whether you are working to get traffic to your website, or you are trying to drive traffic to your social media channels, here are a few traffic methods that you should avoid at all costs. Keyword Stuffing Avoid targeting keywords that aren't relevant to your audience, the products or services that…
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How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space

How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space

Tips and Tools
Whether you recently started working from home or have done so for most of your career, you’ll be more productive in a highly functional and appealing space. Fulfilling the stereotype of telecommuting while lying in bed or sitting on your couch will make it hard to stay motivated, and you could develop soreness from keeping your body in poor alignment. Fortunately, it’s easy and rewarding to create a lovely, enticing place to work from home — no matter your budget. Here are six excellent ways to start. How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space   1.  Maximize the Available Space Keeping home offices tidy goes a long way in making them beautiful. Assess your current workspace and see how you could increase the storage options. For example, under-desk baskets could…
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