
4 Common Reasons Your Digital Marketing Campaign Could Be Failing

4 Common Reasons Your Digital Marketing Campaign Could Be Failing

Marketing Strategy
Have you recently discovered that your business marketing campaign isn’t delivering the results that you had hoped for? If that’s the case, then you need to think about making some changes. To do this, it’s important to understand what’s actually going wrong. There are a few issues that will be worth exploring here. 4 Common Reasons Your Digital Marketing Campaign Could Be Failing   The Wrong Marketing Team It’s unlikely that you will be handling marketing yourself. Digital marketing in the modern age is complex, to say the least. Even search engine optimization - which might sound simple on paper - is an umbrella term that covers a plethora of possibilities. That’s why you need to make sure that you get the right marketing team working on your campaign. It’s…
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How to Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

How to Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Marketing Strategy
There are lots of things that need to go right for you if you’re going to achieve success in the world of ecommerce. It’s not easy, and many businesses go under because they’ve simply can’t convert their visits into sales. If that’s a problem you’ve been having, you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk today about some of the various ways in which you can increase your ecommerce conversion rate and start making more sales. There’s no shortcut to success, but you can get to where you want your store to be with the right changes. Read on to find out more about them. How to Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate   Make Guest Checkout Possible You need to accept that not everyone who comes to your website…
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Helping Your Team To Master The Art Of Remote Working

Helping Your Team To Master The Art Of Remote Working

Tips and Tools
Attempting to make a smooth switch to remote working has taken its toll on many businesses around the world. It's tough for those who have never experienced off site working to figure out how to remain productive and connected. Becoming a master of remote working takes a little skill. But there are 3 main areas in which you must focus your efforts to allow your team to thrive despite their inability to attend their usual workspace. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best steps that you can follow today! Helping Your Team To Master The Art Of Remote Working     Provide The Right Equipment  One of the most important steps that you must follow to help your team…
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6 Places to Use Keywords to Get More Eyes On Your Content

6 Places to Use Keywords to Get More Eyes On Your Content

Blogging, Website Design & SEO
We all use phrases to find what we're looking for when searching online. Some of these phrases will be short, and some will be long. In the context of online marketing, these phrases are known as keywords. Keywords are the terms your ideal client is typing (or speaking) into Google, or another search engine, when she needs an answer. For example, if she's looking for a business coach, she might type in "business coach in Atlanta". This would be considered a "short tail" keyword because it's brief and not too descriptive. In contrast, if she searches for "small business marketing coach in Atlanta", this would be considered a long tail keyword. As you can see, this is a longer, more descriptive phrase that delivers more targeted results. Stick with me…
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What Do People Mean By “Content Is King?”

What Do People Mean By “Content Is King?”

Marketing Strategy
Content is king. It’s a saying that you will hear in all corners of the digital marketing world. Written content has and will continue to be the bedrock of a range of marketing disciplines for a long time to come. However, if you don’t see how it’s used effectively, it can be hard to understand what the big deal is. Here are just a few ways that well-written and valuable content can help drive your digital campaigns. What Do People Mean By "Content Is King?"   Content is part of the marketing funnel. If you’re using the funnel approach to marketing, then you’re going to need something to grab the interest of the visitor after you get them to land on the website. Well-written content that has value, such as…
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Local SEO Trends to Watch in 2021

Local SEO Trends to Watch in 2021

Website Design & SEO
If there’s one thing you need to know about search engine optimization (SEO), it’s this: nothing stays the same for long. For example, there were 11 confirmed and unconfirmed Google algorithm changes in 2020 alone. This statistic, of course, only takes into consideration the major changes that were easy to spot and widely discussed. As a small business, SEO is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and/or people into your store. On the flip side, consumers love the fact that they can quickly obtain accurate information by typing simple, relevant questions into Google. And because a lot has changed over the past 12 months in the search engine world, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic moving to the forefront, it’s critical to have a sound understanding…
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Top 3 Secrets to Write Better Content, Faster

Top 3 Secrets to Write Better Content, Faster

Marketing Strategy
As digital marketers and content creators, we are often hustling to release quality content in record time. But great content, one that pushes your brand ahead of your competitors and creates a buzz among customers, requires time to come together. A little content planning can help you. Below are my top three secrets to write better content rapidly. Top 3 Secrets to Write Better Content, Faster   First, Develop Good Writing Habits. Always Keep a Stack of Good Ideas Up Your Sleeve. Sitting at your desk waiting for earth-shattering ideas to strike to begin writing ends up eating a lot of your productive time as well as hinders creativity. The next time you browse through various content pieces online, I suggest noting some worthy ideas for future reference. That way,…
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How to Grow Your Small Business Sales By Harnessing the Power of Social Media

How to Grow Your Small Business Sales By Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Social Media, Strategy
The average internet user spends more than 144 minutes on social media every day. Users from younger generations — millennials and Gen Zers — are likely to spend even more time on social media through browsing, networking and interacting with brands. Social media marketing is almost essential to the success of any modern business. But for smaller businesses, it can be hard to figure out the best way to take advantage of social media in your advertising. These social media tips can help any small business owner or solopreneur attract new customers and grow their sales. How to Grow Your Small Business Sales By Harnessing the Power of Social Media   1. Know Your Audience Audience research is one of the best places to start when building a social media…
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