
5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Website Perform Better In 2021

5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Website Perform Better In 2021

Website Design & SEO
After the massive shutdown of businesses in 2019, people are scrambling to get up and running again. However, the way that we do business has changed and a lot of businesses are switching to a mainly online presence. So how do you get ahead in this digital landscape? Your website, of course. Here are some of the things you can do to improve your website this year. 5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Website Perform Better In 2021   Perform An SEO Overhaul If you are new to owning a website, the concept of SEO may sound alien to you. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Ensuring that your website is SEO optimized will make sure that your website pops up higher in search engine results. There are…
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The Small Business Guide to Hiring Through Digital Marketing

The Small Business Guide to Hiring Through Digital Marketing

Marketing Strategy
As your business grows, you have to hire help. This is a simple, undisputed fact. No empire is built from the work from a single person. The internet makes finding the right person to fill a position much easier than it used to be. Digital marketing makes it possible to advertise open positions in your business with ease. When you're ready to start working with other people, you need to get the word out to find the perfect hires. Some of this might involve you conducting your own search, but it can be a lot easier if people come to you instead. Advertising an available role is a lot easier with digital methods, but you still need to consider how to hire the perfect people for your growing business. Take…
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4 Fantastic Ways To Make Your Business Stand Out From The Rest

4 Fantastic Ways To Make Your Business Stand Out From The Rest

Marketing Strategy
Are you starting your own business? If so, then it’s important to be aware of how much competition you will be facing on the market. The typical online business will be competing with hundreds of other brands to gain the attention of customers and clients. That’s why you need to think about how to separate your company from the rest of the businesses on the market. Make your business stand out and you’ll be well on your path to achieving the success you deserve. 4 Fantastic Ways To Make Your Business Stand Out From The Rest   Philanthropy First, you should think about philanthropy and ensuring that there is something more to your company than just crunching numbers. You need to show customers that you are ready to give something…
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A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing

A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing

Social Media
Facebook messaging bots are a marketing strategy that some savvy marketers have used in recent months, as Facebook has rolled out some exciting new features for their Messenger service. However, many do not know how to manage this new form of marketing. This means many do it badly, which means a lot of wasted time and effort. In this guide, we will be explaining what Facebook Messenger (FM) is, why bots are so useful, and how to use bots to engage with your customers effectively for more leads and sales. Let’s get started with a look at what Facebook Messenger is. A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing     What is Facebook Messenger? Facebook Messenger (FM) has been around for several years, but has recently become a main area…
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Do Your Customers Love You Or Just Tolerate You?

Do Your Customers Love You Or Just Tolerate You?

Tips and Tools
For companies, getting customers to love you is the holy grail or marketing. You want a situation where they sing your praises from the rooftops (figuratively speaking) and refer other people to your brand. In today’s world, being genuinely loved by customers is a rarity. Consumers have so much choice about where they spend their money that they can be incredibly fickle. You know you’re loved when a competitor sets up shop next door, but your customers just keep coming back to you regardless. However, many brands slip into the trap of believing that being tolerated is the same as being loved. You see this all the time in business. Companies with the highest revenues believe that they have the best customer loyalty. But that’s rarely the case. Do Your…
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3 Basic Principles That Directly Impact Your Public Relations Image

3 Basic Principles That Directly Impact Your Public Relations Image

Tips and Tools
Whether you run a multinational corporation, or are trying to get a small start-up off the ground, marketing and brand presentation are going to be a vitally important part of the equation that leads to success. Ultimately, marketing and brand identity are both things that fall under the general heading of public relations management, whether in the form of media public relation management, or more "on-the-ground" forms of managing and meeting customer expectations in a dynamic manner. 3 Basic Principles That Directly Impact Your Public Relations Image Here are just a handful of tips that you can utilize to improve your customer and public relations image in a straightforward manner. Always maintain professional integrity. First things first: the best way to maintain a good overall impression of your business among…
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4 Things To Do Before Hosting Your Next Virtual Meeting

4 Things To Do Before Hosting Your Next Virtual Meeting

Tips and Tools
As technology advances, businesses are looking to do more with virtual meetings and conferences. Whether you are a manager, business owner, or someone in charge of training sessions at your company, here are four things to do before using a video conferencing service to host your next virtual event. 4 Things To Do Before Hosting Your Next Virtual Meeting   1. Create An Agenda As with an in-person meeting, a virtual meeting should have the details of what will be discussed and accomplished laid out for all attendees. Core tenets of an agenda include the purpose of the meeting and what topics will be covered. Ideally, you want to distribute your agenda ahead of time so that attendees can come to the meeting prepared. An agenda enables participants to prepare…
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4 Tips To Improve Your Website

4 Tips To Improve Your Website

Website Design & SEO
Your website is one of the best marketing tools you have, so it makes sense to pay attention to it and use it as much as possible. This could mean taking an objective look at your site and determining whether, as a customer, you would be happy to buy from the company behind those online pages. If not, then it’s clear that some improvements need to be made. Read on to find out what some of the best improvements you can make to your website are. 4 Tips To Improve Your Website   Create Content That Stands Out This is simple, yet impactful. Content that sets you apart from the competition is crucial. It will ensure that anyone visiting your website knows that you are at the top of your…
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