
Why Your Digital Strategy Must Include Mobile Marketing [Infographic]

Marketing Strategy
How many hours a day do you typically spend being swayed by mobile marketing? You know, using your mobile device, as in your smartphone, your tablet, your iPad? Are you the 1 out of every 4 people conducting searches on mobile devices? Do you fall within the 60% of smartphone and tablet users who access social networks from these devices? As a business owner, is your business positioned to reach the people who keep their smartphones attached to their hands? Do you have a mobile marketing strategy in place to reach these people? What is Mobile Marketing? Mobile marketing consists of ads that appear on smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices. There are several types of mobile marketing, including App based Search ads or image ads SMS QR codes Local ads Why…
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What Is Content and Why Do We Need To Market It?

What Is Content and Why Do We Need To Market It?

Marketing Strategy
When you hear marketers talk about "content" and "content marketing," what does it mean to you? If you’re like most people, you may think content refers your blog and website, maybe your email marketing. You may think that content marketing means sharing your blog or website, or perhaps it includes some SEO tactics. For many people, marketing professionals included, this is pretty much it. Except your blog and your email marketing is only the tip of the iceberg. We hear so much about content marketing. You may be just as bored as I am with all the content marketing clichés that have been beat to death on so many marketing blogs over the past couple years. "Content is king." "Content marketing is dead." "Content rules the world. " ... blah blah blah.…
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Stiletto Thrive 2014 Twitter Chat Series

The Stiletto Thrive Twitter Chat Series is set to take over Twitter for four Wednesdays, starting on March 12, 2014, using the hashtag #StilettoThrive. The Twitter Chat Series is an opportunity for you to get acquainted with the featured speakers of the Stiletto Thrive Conference. Get expert advice and gain insight from women entrepreneurs progressing in their respective industries. Join us on Twitter, every Wednesday from March 12 through April 2 at 8pm EST, using hashtag #StilettoThrive.  Did you know? The Stiletto Woman In Business Awards Conference is now the Stiletto Thrive Womenpreneur Lifestyle Conference!  Visit the new website at for tickets and info.   Weekly Schedule - Wednesdays at 8pm EST Wed 3/12/14 with Tamika Newhouse @TamikaNewhouse Wed 3/19/14  with Julie Edmonson @JulieEdmonson Wed 3/26/14 with Carol Sankar @CarolSankar Wed 4/2/14 with Dee…
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Networking Tips That Actually Work

Networking Tips That Actually Work

Mention the word “networking” and you’re certain to get a reaction from most business professionals. The question is… what kind of reaction? You’ll probably make people either frown in agony or get people excitedly pulling out business cards. Either way, you’re bound to start a conversation around networking, and it’s easy to see why. All those articles on networking tips seem to only add to the confusion! When most people think about networking it seems insincere at best — and selfish at worst. Too many networking tips focus on strategies that come across as pushy, needy, or self-serving — even though the people using them rarely act that way in daily life. This, of course, is the complete opposite of what networking is supposed to be — friendly, useful, and…
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Make Sure Your 2014 Digital Marketing Strategy Includes This

Marketing Strategy
What’s your digital marketing strategy for 2014? How do you decide what to focus on as you develop your digital marketing strategy? Do you follow the trends or do you simply wing it, based on what you think you see going on within your industry? Knowing the trends can help you develop an online marketing strategy that gets results! It can save your company both time and money if you can follow the trends and develop a plan consistent with the marketplace. A couple of points to note: Social media and SEO should get further intertwined over the course of 2014, with images likely to be paramount for success. Mobile design is critical. Forbes estimates that by 2017, 87 percent of connected device sales – a category which includes desktop-based…
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Why Your Email Marketing Practices Make Subscribers Run From You

Why Your Email Marketing Practices Make Subscribers Run From You

Email Marketing
Does your email marketing make your subscribers love you or loathe you? Are you subscribers responsive, or are they quick to find the unsubscribe button? Social media has not replaced email, or has it? Social media has its place in the inbound marketing funnel, but email marketing can be targeted and specific to people who want your content, want your offer, and are interested in corresponding with you. People that opt-in to your email list are telling you that they want to extend the relationship, they want to go beyond social media and listen to what information you have to offer. When you get an email subscriber, keep them enlightened, entertained, informed, and interested in your content.  Do offer something of value when I open your email, value reserved just…
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A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide To Social Media Management

A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide To Social Media Management

Strategy, Tips and Tools
Can we all agree that using social media can make time move faster than it’s supposed to? Have you ever lost track of time using social media, and wondered to yourself "What was I just doing? Did I actually get anything accomplished?" Social media management... sometimes it sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Or perhaps you're swamped running your business and there’s simply no time to use social media? Or worse, you feel like you have to be on social media all day to see any results? We're going  to get rid of ALL of this drama. ALL OF IT! Note: If you want to keep complaining, stop reading here. I"m about to throw your excuses out the window! If you're looking for a solution to social media overwhelm... let us continue. You…
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The Entrepreneur Mind Speaks To Every Entrepreneur [Book Review]

The Entrepreneur Mind Speaks To Every Entrepreneur [Book Review]

Book Reviews, Reviews: Stuff I Love
The Entrepreneur Mind is a perfect resource for any entrepreneur, whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for years. What sets this book apart is that there's real meat on these pages! The author skips the clichés, instead focusing on real life examples from his own experiences as well as Fortune 500 brands. From working with a mentor, to hiring a team, to expanding your network, to pitching VC’s, you’ll get a frank and honest view of the blood, sweat and tears it takes to build an empire. He spills the secrets of success that nobody actually talks about! I found myself nodding in agreement, taking notes, revisiting my business plan, and laughing while reading this book. The Entrepreneur Mind is part reference guide, part motivation, part…
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