If you’re a business owner, then you’ll know just how much value there is in having a marketing strategy that works for you. If you get it right, then you’ll have more people interested in your brand, you’ll make more sales, the future will look bright, and so forth. If you get it wrong, then you’ll face a serious uphill battle. The issue is that figuring out how to have a marketing strategy that works for you isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. The good news is that there are always places you can turn to if you’re struggling. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the best places to look! Where to Turn To Improve Your Marketing Strategy Hit the Books When it…
Sept 29-30 I’m speaking at the first-ever SLAY YOUR CONTENT 2-DAY VIRTUAL EVENT This event is for Coaches & Service Providers who are ready to… 🔥 reclaim their time, 🔥 repurpose their content, 🔥 and SELL OUT their high-ticket offers! It’s all happening September 29 & 30, 2021 - Any guesses on what I’ll be talking about? Let me see those guesses in the comments! >> You can grab your ticket to see me at the Slay Your Content 2-Day Virtual Event HERE now!
When you are running your business, you need to make sure that you do get into the mindset of your customers. You need to understand their likes and - perhaps more importantly - their dislikes. If you do this, then you can make sure that you know exactly how to appeal to them and ensure that you are bringing specifically what they want to the table. So, what are the turn offs of typical customers? Well, there are a few possibilities that could be worth considering here. 5 Issues That Will Immediately Turn Off Every Customer Technical Site Issues First, you should consider whether there are any technical issues with your business website and the overall design. For instance, you might find that pages are loading more slowly. This…
In this digital world, social media platforms are so much more than places to interact with friends online. With more than 4.4 billion users worldwide, these platforms have now become the main channels for brands to promote their products or services and get more eyeballs. Today’s marketers leave no stone unturned when it comes to engaging social media users and converting them into paying customers. Threads, text posts, surveys, polls, and so much more content are being created and spread all over Facebook, Twitter, even LinkedIn. But, there’s one type of content that is now taking the center stage on social media: social media videos. Let’s break down why using video marketing on social media can give your marketing campaigns a boost and get your business off the ground seamlessly.…
Are you planning to launch your small business via online channels? Would you like to get in touch with old clients and invite new ones? How about catching up with your market through a virtual conference? Whatever the reason you want to stage a virtual conference, one crucial factor for you to consider is hiring a professional presenter. Curious as to why you need one? Read on and find out. Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Presenter for Your Virtual Conference The Pros of Hiring a Pro Big and small businesses alike have tried to find solutions to adapt to the new normal. Along with social distancing, lockdowns, and other health and safety protocols come various ways of conducting business. Yet, the world still turns, and those who…
When most people think of workshops and training, whether they are in person or online, they think of one word: boring. Ok, maybe it's just me! Workshops and trainings may be very popular, but often they’re not very memorable. Even when people learn new things they can be boring. After all, sitting in a chair or at a table listening to other people drone on can be hard for many people. But thankfully, with just a little knowledge you can deliver memorable workshops and training seminars. How to Deliver Memorable Workshops and Training Seminars Identify Your Target Market Everything starts with your target audience. Even though you likely already have an audience in mind when you are planning in-person events like these, you need to double down and laser-focus your…
It’s easier than ever to get started with an online business. But making a success of it is not so easy. There’s a lot of competition online, which can make it difficult for your business to stand out. For a customer to make a purchase, they need to have trust in your brand. They also need to enjoy a positive experience to replace the one they would’ve had in a store or a physical premises. Engaging with your customers is one way to help build that relationship so that they can enjoy a great user experience when they buy from you. There are many ways to engage with your customers. From phone calls, text messages to polls and surveys, you can continuously speak with and engage your customers. Let's take…
If there’s one thing I see a lot of bloggers do wrong, it’s not giving their readers anything to do at the end of the blog post. Put yourself in the shoes of your readers. You read a great article, get to the end and there’s no call to action. What do you do? You go back to Facebook or go watch some cat videos on YouTube. Why not give your readers something more? What if they wouldn’t mind learning more from you or connecting with you via email or social media or even take you up on a product recommendation? That’s what a call to action at the end of your blog posts is all about. How To Craft A Good Call To Action At The End Of Your…