5 Tips for Starting a Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Marketing Strategy
In the Internet Age, it can become very easy to get trapped in our ways. When we use email marketing to advertise our services or products, marketing gets as easy as hitting "send." But you probably don't know one person who is waiting by their laptop or phone for their next marketing email. 5 Tips for Starting a Direct Mail Marketing Campaign One tried and true way that you can get the attention of your ideal consumer is through direct mail marketing. This article will give you five tips to help you start using direct mail marketing campaigns to reach your most valuable customers. Target Your Best Customers To do direct mail marketing well, you have to put most of your effort towards reaching your best consumers. While you will…
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The Small Business Guide To Effective Content Creation

The Small Business Guide To Effective Content Creation

Marketing Strategy
Creating great content doesn’t come easily. It often takes people years and years to find their own content sweet spot. You know — that mythical place where you are actually creating content that’s aligned with your editorial calendar, not chasing your own tail to get sign off before a big launch date, or just generally weeping in the store cupboard over your lackluster blog visits. As a small business, you’ve got a lot of important things to do. You need to hire staff, pay taxes, go to meetings, grow your sales pipeline, and keep the wheels turning. So we’ve gone and put together some realistic, achievable, and actionable content strategy tips that have been proven to work for small, budding businesses like yours. Let’s dive in. No time to read…
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5 Steps To Take When Creating A Small Business Marketing Strategy

5 Steps To Take When Creating A Small Business Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy
Today, you don’t have to be an experienced marketer to understand that it is reputation that drives success. However, did you know there are 28.8 million small businesses just in the United States? Given this astounding digit, it’s obvious that building a recognizable brand is an essential part of any small business marketing strategy. This is not an easy task. On the other hand, if you think that your growing company can’t stand a chance in such a hectic ecosystem, you are wrong. For decades, numerous marketing techniques have been created and modified to provide businesses with limitless opportunities to address the right audience, establish new customer relationships and increase revenue. Here are five things to consider when generating ideas for your new small business marketing strategy. 5 Steps You Must…
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Seven Tips to Keep in Mind Before You Start a Blog

Seven Tips to Keep in Mind Before You Start a Blog

If you’re the type of person who loves to chronicle his/her travels or share fabulous fashion finds among friends and with the rest of the world, you might be considering blogging by now. While it can be a great hobby, you would be glad to know that you actually can build a career out of it. Even those who have aspirations of getting bigger clients, or running a more profitable business can start a blog and reap the benefits of blogging. Seven Tips to Keep in Mind Before You Start a Blog  Blogging has become a surefire way to build a solid reputation in your chosen niche and exposing your name out there. Getting your feet wet in the blogosphere as a lucrative career option conjures up a slew of…
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4 Ways to Boost Your Small Business with Content Marketing

Marketing Strategy
No matter how big or small your business might be, using content marketing can still make a big difference in your brand’s presence. If used well, content marketing can highly promote your business and boost your website traffic. How do we do this? First, let’s elaborate further on the what and why of content marketing. Then we discuss how to use it to boost business. Content marketing is the method of using content to advertise your business and educate your audience. It may include the use of high-quality videos, social media posts, and blogs to explain and showcase your products and services. The expertise of your business must be the topic and focus of the content so that your audience can develop interest and trust in your company. The basic requirement for…
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How to Amplify Any Online Content [Infographic]

How to Amplify Any Online Content [Infographic]

Marketing Strategy
You’ve crafted the perfect marketing content. It’s creative, clever, and you’re sure that your audience will love it. But, for some reason it hasn’t gotten the likes or shares that you expected and no ones seems to be paying attention. Is the content not as good as you thought, or worse, are people just not that into your message? Maybe it’s not you, it’s them. With about FOUR BILLION shares on Facebook and forty five million photos uploaded to Instagram and Flickr every day, the internet is a sea of information and it’s easy to get lost. To get your voice heard over the noise, you need to yell and scream. You need to plug in the amplifier and crank up the volume. The infographic below discusses how to amplify…
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