Can we all agree that using social media can make time move faster than it’s supposed to?
Have you ever lost track of time using social media, and wondered to yourself “What was I just doing? Did I actually get anything accomplished?”
Social media management… sometimes it sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it?
Or perhaps you’re swamped running your business and there’s simply no time to use social media? Or worse, you feel like you have to be on social media all day to see any results?
We’re going to get rid of ALL of this drama. ALL OF IT!
Note: If you want to keep complaining, stop reading here. I”m about to throw your excuses out the window!
If you’re looking for a solution to social media overwhelm…
let us continue. You can still make time for social media, in the same way you make time for your other marketing efforts. Time management is the key to social media management, and that’s the real issue here… how to manage it all.
I’m often asked how to manage social media while trying to actually get some work done. Since I answer this question quite often, I decided to share how I make time for social media for my business.
My Typical Process
On a normal day, I might use social media in several 5-20 minute chunks of time, as I have found this to be the best way to capture the largest audience. And I happen to like using social media, so hopping on and off all day is fun for me.
In order to interact with people in multiple time zones around the globe, I spread out my engagement throughout the day. Doing this helps to make sure I don’t exclude my global fans from actually seeing my tweets, posts, comments, etc.
[Tweet “In order to interact with people in multiple time zones around the globe, spread posts throughout the day.”]
Is this a ton of work? You bet it is! However, I’m always armed with a social media plan, never at a loss for content to share. (You’ll understand why below)
Trying to use social media with no plan in place can be a nuisance at times (I see you nodding in agreement). That’s why we need a strategy to manage it all.
A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide To Social Media Management
Manage Social Media Like a Pro and Get Your Life Back
Here are five doable tips to better social media management. Use them all for the most powerful results!
Tip 1: Keep a list of go-to resources for content to share.
Keep a list of go-to resources for content to share. I use my RSS feed to keep blog content at my fingertips, and you can too. When I’m looking for some good info to share, I go to my Feedly to browse my favorite blogs, and presto! I have content to share.
Tip 2: Use a social media management dashboard.
Use a social media management dashboard to schedule some social media posts in advance. A dashboard will allow you to post to multiple social media profiles from the same place. I save hours of time every week by using my HootSuite dashboard for scheduling, posting and searching. You can configure your dashboard to include keywords, lists, scheduled posts, mentions, etc. If you are not using a dashboard, start today!
[Tweet “Use a social media dashboard to schedule posts and track hashtags and save several hours each week.”]
Tip 3: Plan and organize content in advance.
Plan content ideas for your blog and social media posts in bulk. You can plan by the week, month or quarter or even by the year. Once you have an idea of what you want to talk about (as in post), you can organize your content ahead of time and drop the “what should I post today” anxiety.
[Tweet “Plan content ideas for your blog and social media posts in bulk to save time and headaches. #socialmediatips”]
Tip 4: Be actively engaged for 1 hour daily.
Acknowledge the value of engagement at least an hour or so on social media daily. This doesn’t mean self promotion, this means back and forth sharing and interaction. Break up your one hour into 10-20 minute chunks of time. I live by my 20-20-20 rule when I’m super-swamped and can’t get online several times throughout the day. I can still hop on social media to meet and greet people and interact socially.
Tip 5: Focus on two or three platforms.
Decide which social media platforms you should focus on. Let’s be realistic, you can only focus on 2-3 platforms at best, so decide which platforms need to be a priority for your business.
How to decide which 3 platforms? I’ll make this an easy one: where are your customers looking for your product or service?
Once you do a bit of recognizance and get the answer to this question, that’s where you should be spending your daily effort. Sure, you can use other platforms, but you’ll want to concentrate most of your time on the platforms that will get you in front of your target audience.
Yes, this system will work for you!
This basic system will eliminate two major challenges most people face as they try to add social media into their marketing mix:
- the “what do I talk about” problem, and
- the “how do I make time” problem
So again, to those business owners who claim they’re soooo busy and don’t have time to learn social media, I know this isn’t true. It’s simply a matter of finding the best content and time management systems and tools that work for you.
… or hire a Social Media Manager
If you still don’t have the time or just want to be plain ‘ol stubborn about it, hire someone to do it for you.
The goal is to get yourself into the conversations being had across social media daily.
Develop a content strategy, find a time management tool for your social media activity, and join your competitors in the social space. You’re giving away money and opportunities to your competitors if you don’t get active!
[Tweet “Here are 5 easy tips for better social media management. Use them all for the most powerful results!”]
Miss Kemya
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[…] 2. Do you have a killer social media strategy? […]
[…] you don’t have time to meet and connect with your audience. Throwing up your hands with the “I don’t have time so I’ll just copy and paste and sync everything” does nothing to solve the […]
[…] do you throw your hands up in frustration over your lack of time for using social media, yet you understand the potential power of social networking and what it can do for your […]
This is definitely something that I struggle with…I’m working on it though and Hootsuite is a life saver for me. Thanks so much for all the great information on your site! I’ll be back 🙂 #SitsBlogging
Hi Kara! Yes, Hootsuite is a life saver for me too! I’m glad all this info is helpful, browse and enjoy. Thanks for stopping by:-)
Thank you for reminding me to use HootSuite. I like the idea of planning things out… perhaps I’ll start with planning my weekend social media wise since that is when I’m least likely to be around!
You have so many valuable resources here – glad I’m in your comment love tribe this week!!
That’s a good idea Julie. Scheduling your posts will help you maintain a weekend presence, and it’ll get you used to scheduling. Once you start, you’ll be hooked! I’m glad you stopped by! Please, browse and enjoy!
Great tips! Stopping by from the SITS Girls.
Thanks for stopping by Kendra!
Using HootSuite has been a huge help for me. Also, I’ve taken advantage of being able schedule posts directly from Facebook too. And it looks like we have another option in terms of managing posts now that you can schedule posts via Klout. Great tips, especially about picking 2-3 platforms to focus on.
You can really overwhelmed otherwise. Stopping by from SITS.
Overwhelmed is an understatement! Facebook’s scheduler is pretty neat too. I haven’t tried Klout’s scheduler yet, I’ll have to give it a shot. Thanks for commenting, great to meet ya!
Great tips, thank you so much for sharing! As a marketing and social media person, I often am at a loss to explain to newbies EXACTLY what needs to be done for a successful plan. Sending some SITS Comment LOVE!
Thanks Joules! I have the same problem, so I try to write specifics instead of the usual high level overviews. It saves me so much time, I just tell people to search my blog! Thanks for stopping by!
I think tip #4 is very important and many forget it
I think you’re right. People forget, you have to be seen to be heard, so it’s important to spend time actively engaging in the moment. Thanks for commenting!
[…] Marketing → How Do Busy Entrepreneurs Manage Social Media? – Excellent article on how to manage your time and handle multiple social media platforms. […]
This is an evergreen problem for me!
I use a timer on my desk that really helps me not get lost for hours in reading very interesting posts and articles. I also do my HootSUite postings once a week and then fill in as needed throughout the week. But, there is always room for improvement!
I’m always looking for ways to improve too Susan! Thanks for commenting!
I love that timer idea. SM can definitely be overwhelming. #sitsblogging
Kara, I started using the clock on my laptop as my timer, and I have to admit it makes a world of difference! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi! Visiting from our SITS Tribe.
I find these tips to be extremely helpful, especially since I have no structure when it comes to my social media outlets because of the lack of time. I am challenging myself to connect with other organizations and bloggers and build relationships with them. Looking forward to reading more tips from you.
Ah yes Shashee, structure will surely help you manage your time on social media. Thanks for stopping by!
Such great tips. Stopping by from your SITS Tribe.
Yay, hello! And thanks for stopping by, I’m glad you enjoyed the post!
Great points! As a full time digital advertising professional, freelance designer and blogger, I face the problems with managing so many social media facets. I’m glad to see I do do some things right. 🙂 Look forward to reading more.
Ade (Your SITS tribe member)
Whoa Ade, you’re pretty busy! I’m glad you stopped by!