9 Ways to Get More Click Throughs: How to Convert Readers Into Buyers

Website Design & SEO
The days of just "buy now" buttons are waaaaay past over. Now you have an entire audience that is more savvy, more educated, and has their BS meters up to full power. So how do we increase your click through rate? In order to get people from reading to buying, you're going to have to understand what makes them click, that is, click through your site and ultimately buy your products and services. This means you're going to need to study your audience more and deeper than ever before. 9 Ways to Get More Clicks on Your Website and Increase Conversions   1. Hook Them with Headlines Before anyone clicks to buy, they're going to have to click through to read your sales copy. The headline is arguably the most important…
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Ten Do’s and Don’ts of Website Copywriting

Ten Do’s and Don’ts of Website Copywriting

Website Design & SEO
There are a lot of things to know about effective copywriting. I am by no means and English teacher, nor is copywriting my forte. However, if you're a decent writer, you can learn how to become an even more effective writer by following a few copywriting rules, particularly as they pertain to selling online. Ten Do's and Don'ts of Website Copywriting  If you put this list near your desk before you write any copy, you'll improve your copy exponentially. First, the Do's of Copywriting 1. Know Your Audience Are you sick to death of hearing this yet? I know I am! But alas, it's just the facts and it bears repeating. You must know your audience so well that you can create audience personas and write your copy directly to them.…
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Three Key Website Elements That Impact Every Brand

Three Key Website Elements That Impact Every Brand

Website Design & SEO
If you're running a business in today's economy, whether it be big or small, you need a website. Gone are the days where you could just get by on word of mouth or hopes that someone might find you in the telephone book. In today’s digital age, search engines on the internet are the modern equivalent of the telephone book and that’s where you want people to find you. Your website is your brand's window to the world. Here are 3 key website elements that impact every brand, no matter the size or industry. Three Key Website Elements That Impact Every Brand Presentation Is Key A website can display a healthy amount of information about your brand in just a few minutes. It’s true that you only get one chance…
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A Quick 5 Point Checkup For Your Website

A Quick 5 Point Checkup For Your Website

Website Design & SEO
When is the last time you reviewed your website? Not just for aesthetic purposes, but I’m talking about the actual content? Of course you spell check every single time you post something on your website, but what if you didn’t catch a particular spelling or grammatical error? Are you certain all your links are working correctly? Oftentimes a link is broken on a website and the owner doesn't know. Can your visitors readily find the information they want? Have you told your visitors what you want them to do? If it’s been a while since you performed a page-by-page review of your website, why not schedule a 30 minute maintenance check? Even if you hire a professional to support your website, it’s still your business. It is your responsibility to make sure…
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