5 Tips to Double Your Writing Speed and Free Up Time for Yourself

5 Tips to Double Your Writing Speed and Free Up Time for Yourself

Authors, Tips and Tools
If you are an author or writer, then you know how difficult it can be to find time to write. Between work and other responsibilities, there is simply not enough time in the day for most of us! This article is specifically for those who want to learn how to double their writing speed and free up more of their time for themselves. I've included five tips that will help you achieve your goal of doubling your writing speed; these include: Write every single day Write with a timer Write without distractions Write via dictation Write using word sprints So let's dive into these five tips on how to become a lightning-fast author. 5 Tips to Double Your Writing Speed and Free Up Time for Yourself   Tip #1: Write…
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Dear Entrepreneur: Stop Being Your Own Worst Client

Dear Entrepreneur: Stop Being Your Own Worst Client

Tips and Tools
Imagine you had a coaching client who consistently failed to complete her tasks for the week. She couldn’t find the time to get her email opt-in page completed. Her kids' extracurricular activities kept her too busy to write the next chapter of her book. Time slipped by, and she was working too hard and completely forgot to put together her webinar presentation. It wouldn’t take long before you sat her down for a serious talk about the future of your coaching relationship—and her business. This kind of coaching client is a frustrating waste of time. Why, then, do you continue to accept these and other excuses from yourself? Why is your lack of business development allowed to continue, even when you know how important those tasks are to your future…
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How To Ensure Your Business Runs Like Clockwork

How To Ensure Your Business Runs Like Clockwork

Tips and Tools
When your business is not running smoothly, it can be a difficult and frustrating experience. You may feel like you are constantly playing catch up or that everything takes twice as long to do. There are many things that could contribute to this feeling of being stuck in the mud, but there is one way to get back on track: organization. This article will discuss how you can set yourself up for success by establishing a system that works for your business and sticking with it! How To Ensure Your Business Runs Like Clockwork   #1 Keep track of inventory. The first thing to do is keep track of your inventory. If you are doing business online, this will mean being organized with your sales numbers and keeping an eye…
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3 Ways To Strengthen and Extend Your Relationship With Your Clients

3 Ways To Strengthen and Extend Your Relationship With Your Clients

Tips and Tools
A client differs from a customer in that a client will often be with you for a given amount of time in order to receive a service, while a customer often purchases your goods, even frequently, and goes on from there. An extended relationship is usually involved in client management. This is because our services may run deeper than simply providing products as and when needed. That said, just as you can entice a customer to spend more money more often, deepening that client relationship is also a key element here. For instance, casinos often find it prudent to ‘comp’ the most expensive suites in the hotel to big spenders, high roller gambling guests coming to spend a fortune in exchange for a memorable time. These hotels know that the…
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The Empowering Art Of The DIY Approach To Business

The Empowering Art Of The DIY Approach To Business

Tips and Tools
Nowadays, business owners are relying on outsourced labor more than ever. There are benefits to relying on freelancers and other service firms, of course, in that it helps you gain access to skills that you don’t have. Outsourcing can also allow you to more quickly complete certain projects or tasks. However, there are risks that you could get detached from the basics of what keeps the business running. Here are some advantages of keeping the DIY approach and trying your hand, before you hire someone else to do it. The Empowering Art Of The DIY Approach To Business   It might be much more cost-effective to do it yourself. If there is something that you can’t do yourself, then it’s going to cost you a lot of time to learn…
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Why All Solopreneurs Should Have a Growth Mindset When Running Their Business

Why All Solopreneurs Should Have a Growth Mindset When Running Their Business

Tips and Tools
One of the joys of running a solopreneur business is not having to deal with rapid growth or hiring new employees. However, you should still keep a growth mindset if you want to take your earnings to the next level. You don’t have to become a corporation with thousands of workers to increase revenue and find success. The average solopreneur makes $36,200 per year, but the top earners average $92,110. If you keep a growth mindset, there really isn’t any limit to how much you can make. Why All Solopreneurs Should Have a Growth Mindset When Running Their Business   Just how can you keep a growth mindset as a solo operation? Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to ensure your business grows across the board. 1. Reflect…
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How To Run A More Efficient Business

How To Run A More Efficient Business

Tips and Tools
In the fast-paced environment of the modern business world, staying competitive is harder than it's ever been. Many small businesses that rely on the internet are expected to meet the demand for a global audience. It can be easy to fall behind when it comes to maximizing efficiency in the face of such pressure. Here are four ways to realize your business's potential, and make it more efficient. How To Run A More Efficient Business   Use Social Media to Your Advantage The modern world is constantly evolving, and keeping up to date with the latest social media trends can be exhausting. But with over 4 billion social media users around the world, there is no better way to maximize your audience than simply setting up a social media accounts…
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5 Ways To Make Your Marketing Resume Stand Out

5 Ways To Make Your Marketing Resume Stand Out

Tips and Tools
The job market is extremely competitive. Marketing jobs are on the rise. The need for exceptional people to fill the openings is projected to increase ten percent, or more, over the next decade. These statistics come straight from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. I am often asked about working in the field of marketing. The most pressing question is usually, how do you get yourself seen over the rest of the competition? The answer is, when you're on the job hunt, is your resume. Your resume is the first thing that makes an impression on hiring managers. A resume must pop out to them, otherwise, you will not even get to the interview stage. 5 Ways To Make Your Marketing Resume Stand Out   However simple it may…
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