How to Make It Through Emotional Days In Your Business

How to Make It Through Emotional Days In Your Business

Tips and Tools
Business and emotions don’t really seem to mix very well. But as emotions are a daily part of our lives, short of becoming robotic, you may be faced with the two intermingling at some point in your career. As an entrepreneur, you may face rollercoaster emotional days more often than you ever expected! With the new year upon us, it's time for a fresh start. After a hectic holiday season and rush to accomplish our final goals of the year, it's even more important for us to maintain emotional stability and focus on what truly matters in our businesses, and in our personal lives. Do not take your mental health for granted. It is important to address all of your emotions, and use techniques proven to help people manage those emotional…
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Easy Ways to Make Your Small Business Stand Out From the Crowd

Easy Ways to Make Your Small Business Stand Out From the Crowd

Tips and Tools
When it comes to starting a business it's certainly a challenge. Getting your feet off the ground and establishing your brand is no easy task, but it's not impossible either. In order to get some attention in the business world you need to think out of the box and find ways to set your business apart from the rest of the pack. Easy Ways to Make Your Small Business Stand Out From the Crowd There are some simple things you can do to achieve this, and we’re going to take a look at some ideas that will help people identify your brand. 1. Know Your Audience First and foremost you have to know who your audience is. You don’t want to be selling car parts to someone that’s looking for…
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Top Five Small Business Problems and Solutions to Overcome Them

Top Five Small Business Problems and Solutions to Overcome Them

Tips and Tools
There’s nothing easy about starting your own business. The road to success is a bumpy one indeed and you’re sure to encounter some problems along the way. There’s no need to worry, however, because every problem has a solution. Just like anything else, building your business is a process that takes a lot of work. The Top Five Small Business Problems and Solutions to Overcome Them We’re going to take a look at a few problems you’re likely to run into and how you can overcome them. 1. Developing a Business Plan Before you even get started you need to develop a business plan. Your mission statement for what you want to achieve with your business needs to be very clear. If you don’t have set goals, you won’t have…
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Five Steps to Creating Information Products

Five Steps to Creating Information Products

Tips and Tools
If you’re following any number of internet marketing gurus, you have no doubt heard that packaging and selling information products is one of the best means to achieve passive income. And of course, many savvy businessmen and women still want to get rich from selling their products and services online. Let’s start with the basics. What is an information product? “Information products” are the primary income generator for many internet marketers. You know – ebooks, video series, newsletters, high pressure sales pages, home study courses… yes, all that and more. Now that we have a basic understanding, let’s dispel a common misconception about selling information products. Information products are labeled as “passive” income by many. Which makes it sound super easy to generate a considerable amount of revenue from these info products. To…
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5 Powerful Mindset Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success

5 Powerful Mindset Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success

Tips and Tools
Building a business is a fantastic and challenging experience.  You can wake up exhilarated to begin your day and go to bed feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. The key to success is to maintain a positive yes, you can do it, mindset. [Tweet "The key to success is to maintain a positive, yes you can do it, mindset."] Easier said than done, right? Here are 5 keys to help you create and sustain a positive mindset so you attain the success you desire. 5 Powerful Mindset Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success 1. Surround yourself with successful and positive people. The influence people have over our own personal energy is amazing.  Moods and attitudes are so easily spread – think about how much of a difference a simple smile from a stranger can make…
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Word of Mom Radio Empowers Women Everywhere

Word of Mom Radio Empowers Women Everywhere

Tips and Tools
Feature Business Spotlight: Word of Mom Radio “The mission of Word of Mom Radio is to empower MOMpreneurs and Business Women by giving them a voice and a place to share their goals and dreams.” Word of Mom Radio is the radio show for MOMpreneurs - the NEW Business Woman, sharing the wisdom of women on the airwaves. Growing up, we were told that women can't have it all; MOMpreneurs are breaking those myths daily as we find the balance between building a business and raising a family. The new business woman doesn't have to sacrifice a home and family to be successful; MOMpreneurs are not dabbling in business in between bake sales and having their nails done. Women are smart, savvy professionals and Word of Mom Radio brings…
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Use Click to Tweet to Increase Your Promotional Tweets [Review]

Reviews: Stuff I Love, Tips and Tools
Are you looking for more ways to get people to share your content on Twitter? Do you write incredible blog posts that you would love your readers to share with their Twitter followers? You can easily increase your Twitter promotions by using Click to Tweet! What is Click to Tweet? Click to Tweet is a 'tweet about this' link generator. You can create easy tweetable links to use on your website, blog, emails and products and get your exact message shared the way you want it be shared! What makes this tool so useful? Click to Tweet is a useful promotional tool because you can share different content for one product or blog. You are not limited by the SEO title of your blog post or product. which is typically the case when people…
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A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide To Social Media Management

A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide To Social Media Management

Strategy, Tips and Tools
Can we all agree that using social media can make time move faster than it’s supposed to? Have you ever lost track of time using social media, and wondered to yourself "What was I just doing? Did I actually get anything accomplished?" Social media management... sometimes it sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Or perhaps you're swamped running your business and there’s simply no time to use social media? Or worse, you feel like you have to be on social media all day to see any results? We're going  to get rid of ALL of this drama. ALL OF IT! Note: If you want to keep complaining, stop reading here. I"m about to throw your excuses out the window! If you're looking for a solution to social media overwhelm... let us continue. You…
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