Why Now Is The Time To Start A Side Hustle

Why Now Is The Time To Start A Side Hustle

Tips and Tools
Have you been thinking about starting a side hustle? You may find that now is the exact time to start it. Even if you’ve been a little scared to take the leap, it’s time to just do it! We all want to be able to find success with the different things that we do in life, but fear often stops us and holds us back. But now is definitely the time for you to get started, and here is why! Why Now Is The Time To Start A Side Hustle   It’s Now Or Never To start with, you need to be able to tell yourself that it’s going to be now or never. If you don’t start it now, who’s to say that you’ll have the confidence or motivation…
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Social Proof Tools To Improve Website Conversions

Social Proof Tools To Improve Website Conversions

Tips and Tools
If you’re a business and your website isn’t converting your visitors, you may want to start considering some social proof tools. Social proof tools are an easy way to inject more trust into your visitors and show that your website or business is authentic. As much as local businesses like restaurants or shops rely on social proof and recommendations, all sorts of companies will find social proof tools are an essential part of conversion rate optimization (CRO). What Is Social Proof? Social proof is a way of displaying the trust in your brand from other customers. For example, through reviews, amount of purchases, recent purchases, hot products, etc. In marketing, social proof is a way of getting your website visitors to trust your brand, products, and services in order to…
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Helping Your Team To Master The Art Of Remote Working

Helping Your Team To Master The Art Of Remote Working

Tips and Tools
Attempting to make a smooth switch to remote working has taken its toll on many businesses around the world. It's tough for those who have never experienced off site working to figure out how to remain productive and connected. Becoming a master of remote working takes a little skill. But there are 3 main areas in which you must focus your efforts to allow your team to thrive despite their inability to attend their usual workspace. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best steps that you can follow today! Helping Your Team To Master The Art Of Remote Working     Provide The Right Equipment  One of the most important steps that you must follow to help your team…
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Create Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline

Create Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline

Tips and Tools
Most businesses start out with a dream and an inspiration, but that is where it ends. Even the most innovative businesses can wind up closing their doors because a good action plan and a focused timeline were not in place at conception. There are many benefits to creating your action plan and online business timeline. When you have an action plan put into place and follow it regularly and continue to focus on your business timeline, things will run much more smoothly for your new business, your employees, and your customers. Note: An action plan and timeline are useful even if your business has been around for a little while. It is never too late for proper planning! Here are a few tips to help you get started. Create Your…
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How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space

How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space

Tips and Tools
Whether you recently started working from home or have done so for most of your career, you’ll be more productive in a highly functional and appealing space. Fulfilling the stereotype of telecommuting while lying in bed or sitting on your couch will make it hard to stay motivated, and you could develop soreness from keeping your body in poor alignment. Fortunately, it’s easy and rewarding to create a lovely, enticing place to work from home — no matter your budget. Here are six excellent ways to start. How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space   1.  Maximize the Available Space Keeping home offices tidy goes a long way in making them beautiful. Assess your current workspace and see how you could increase the storage options. For example, under-desk baskets could…
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Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes

Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes

Tips and Tools
Your readers have short attention spans. I’m sure that’s no big surprise to you. In fact, you probably browse the Internet at light speed, too, scanning titles and subheads, skipping to the bottoms of sales pages, and fast-forwarding through videos just so you can get to the next thing. The same is true for your readers, and if you want to capture their attention long enough to entice them to opt-in to your mailing list, then you have to keep that in mind. Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes   A Tip From Newspaper Publishers Have you ever noticed that everything you need to know about a news story is in the first paragraph? Journalists are trained to answer all the…
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How and Why All Solopreneurs Should Prepare for Cyberattacks

How and Why All Solopreneurs Should Prepare for Cyberattacks

Tips and Tools
Cyberattacks commonly make headlines. However, if you're a solopreneur, you may think online criminals are most interested in targeting the biggest enterprises. That's not necessarily true. These perpetrators thrive on wreaking havoc, and they often focus on smaller businesses in their attacks. Here are some compelling reasons to take cybersecurity seriously and how you can do that effectively. How and Why All Solopreneurs Should Prepare for Cyberattacks   Cyberattacks Have Become More Prevalent and Costly One crucial reason to defend your company against potential cyberattacks is they're happening more frequently overall. A 2019 survey polled nearly 5,400 cybersecurity professionals worldwide to get their feedback on internet crimes. One worrying finding was that 61% of respondents said their organizations experienced cyberattacks, compared to 45% in the previous year. Additionally, the study's…
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Your Employees Can Be Assets To Your Marketing Efforts

Your Employees Can Be Assets To Your Marketing Efforts

Tips and Tools
When you think about marketing, you probably think about social media posts, Google Adwords campaigns, billboards, and all of the usual stuff. Chances are you rarely give a second thought to your staff...but you really should. Your employees can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to effectively marketing your business. Your staff are ambassadors for your brand - they are the people at the front and center of everything you do and are typically the first people your customers will interact with at any given time, so it stands to reason that they can, and should, play a key part in your marketing strategy - here’s how... Your Employees Can Be Assets To Your Marketing Efforts   Excellent Customer Service You might not immediately link customer service…
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