Mastering Pinterest for Small Business Owners [Infographic]

Mastering Pinterest for Small Business Owners [Infographic]

Social Media
Far more than a visual paradise for millenials and a home of inspiration for DIYers, Pinterest has tremendous capability as a central tool in any social media marketing strategy. Often skipped in favor of Facebook or Instagram as the platforms of choice, Pinterest can actually help to drive business sales. A whopping 55% of Pinterest users come to the site specifically looking for products.   Wondering how to leverage the power of Pinterest? Start by creating a free business account, then build it out with rich keywords to boost exposure in searches. Next, you’ll want to think about your ideal aesthetic and commit to staying consistent with it. Want more ideas? Mastering Pinterest for Small Business Owners It only takes seconds to create a business account on Pinterest. But it’ll…
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8 Terrible Social Media Strategies Brands Should Stay Away From

Social Media
Social media marketing mistakes, we all make them at one time or another. But why do some social media strategies fail? Well, everyone makes mistakes, including social media marketers. But make too many mistakes, and your followers and engagement will drop, along with your revenue. No matter how big or small, every brand must maintain a robust social media presence these days. However, keep in mind that building a social media presence is more than just gaining more leads, customers, and sales.   8 Terrible Social Media Mistakes Brands Should Stay Away From Social media should be a two-way street where you can develop a community, increase your reach, and know what people think about you. In this post, we'll talk about the top social media marketing mistakes and more…
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5 Data-Driven Ways to Maximize Your Social Media Marketing

5 Data-Driven Ways to Maximize Your Social Media Marketing

If you're a non-data-driven marketer, you might think that building a data-driven social marketing strategy is too complicated. However, if you do not measure and track the right things on social media, you still end up wasting a lot of time and energy. You spend most of your time guessing what is and what isn't useful. This translates to a loss of money and other resources. You're also losing a lot of opportunities to engage with your target audience. The worst part of all is that you might end up hurting your brand image because you fail to give your audience what they want. Why? Because you don't know what exactly it is! The Benefits of Going Data Driven Once you start adopting a data-driven mindset, there are so many…
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4 Ways to Prepare for Explosive Social Media Growth in 2019

4 Ways to Prepare for Explosive Social Media Growth in 2019

Social Media
Social media platforms have been a hub for businesses for some time now. Nowadays, not having social media presence is just like you don't even exist on the market. Businesses effectively leverage social media platforms to build presence, visibility and awareness for their companies. Not only that, but social media also allows businesses to engage with their target audience and establish meaningful relationships with them. That being said, various companies, both large and small, have been using social media to promote their business and drive sales for a long time. Today, social media networks are growing both in size and popularity and social media marketing has quickly become inevitable activity of digital marketing. As a matter of fact, Facebook alone has over 2 billion active users. 4 Ways to Prepare…
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Why You Should Create A Separate Business Instagram Profile

Social Media
Instagram has made it really, really easy to create separate business and individual profiles on the platform.  And you – as the smart and savvy business owner, entrepreneur, and marketer that you are – would have to be absolutely CRAZY not to take advantage of this opportunity. There are plenty of benefits to setting up a separate business Instagram profile, and in this quick guide we are going to hit the really important ones. By the time you’re done with this information you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you must create separate accounts, today. Why You Should Create A Separate Business Instagram Profile   Reason 1: Keep work and play separate The number one reason to create a separate business Instagram profile is to effortlessly separate your…
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What To Post On Social Media [Infographic]

What To Post On Social Media [Infographic]

Social Media
One of the most confusing aspects of social media revolves around content. People can figure out how to set up and complete a profile, but when it's time to actually post content, many business owners are like a deer in headlights. Completely stumped and scared to screw up. So they either neglect posting at all, or they'll post about their own products and services in a constant pitch fest. That is of course, unless they hire a Social Media Manager to figure it all out. The Challenge: What To Post On Social Media When prompted, the question is a seemingly simple one: What am I supposed to post on social media? This is a simple question that many entrepreneurs have. There are plenty of folks who will not admit that…
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Your Guide to Instagram Influencer Marketing

Your Guide to Instagram Influencer Marketing

Social Media
You know the power of Instagram. Over 500,000,000 people use Instagram, and over 200,000,000 users upload photos and videos on a daily basis.  Social media has introduced the world to a new approach to advertising.  Enter: Instagram influencer marketing. Instagram followers have the opportunity to interact with their favorite influencers in a revolutionary way.  Imagine being able to harness the power of those millions of connections around the world to promote your product or service! Why include Instagram influencers in your advertising campaign? Instagram influencer marketing is a simple, affordable and powerful way to reach your customer base on social media.  The fans can follow the influencers through their daily lives.  Trips to the beautiful beach, martinis at the bar with friends, or a gorgeous new Prada bag – all sorts…
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How to Use Social Media to Boost SEO

How to Use Social Media to Boost SEO

Social Media, Website Design & SEO
The story about SEO and social networks is being constantly altered. In 2010, Danny Sullivan talked to Bing and Google that confirmed that they were using social signals as a ranking factor. Back then, Google’s former head of web spam, Matt Cutts, agreed with Sullivan in one of his videos. However, in 2014, Cutts claimed the opposite, emphasizing that social activity is not a ranking factor. This statement has been recently confirmed by a Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, Garry. Simply put, social signals are definitely not a ranking factor. At least not for now. Still, social media marketing has remained an immensely important piece of the puzzle called SEO. Even though these channels cannot directly impact your rankings, there is a clear, indirect correlation between these two vital elements of…
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