The 3 Hidden Costs of Digital Marketing

The 3 Hidden Costs of Digital Marketing

Marketing Strategy
When it comes to digital marketing, just about every company uses at least one form in their campaigns. Its simplicity and availability in the market make it super attractive to entrepreneurs. With increased social media platforms and marketing, every company strives to have at least an account on these platforms to build and engage their customers. With the help of technology, many businesses can execute and manage simple digital campaigns in house. In addition to social media platforms, developers have also come up with various apps and software that are relatively straightforward and available in the market. You need not have an extensive background in programming as the heavy work in designing already exists. Many of these tools are quite easy to install and deploy. 3 Hidden Costs of Digital…
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Simple Content Marketing Tips To Start Using Today

Simple Content Marketing Tips To Start Using Today

Marketing Strategy
Marketing is one of the most important parts of running a business, and it will determine your notoriety online, as well as how well you engage with your audience and make sales. One of the key aspects of marketing that you see regularly from a company is content marketing. Content marketing encompasses everything from website copy to social media, as well as graphics and emails. Content is a key part of marketing for any business. Sharing this content with your followers is important in order to get yourself in front of your audience in the right way. Today, I want to share some simple content marketing tips that you can incorporate into your daily marketing mix to help you reach your marketing goals. Simple Content Marketing Tips To Start Using…
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No List? No Problem! How to Build an Audience with Paid Ads

No List? No Problem! How to Build an Audience with Paid Ads

Marketing Strategy
We’ve been told (and told and told) for years that “the money is in the list” and that “your mailing list is your biggest business asset.” But if your list numbers are hovering in the low four-figures—or fewer—with no sign of growth on the horizon, such advice can seem a bit unhelpful. The fact is, building a list is a catch 22: You can’t get sign ups without traffic and it’s difficult to find traffic when you have no list. What’s a busy solopreneur to do? No List? No Problem! How to Build an Audience with Paid Ads     Paid Ads Make List-Building Easy By strategically placing ads in front of your target audience, you can drive tons of traffic to your opt-in offers and enjoy conversion rates of…
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A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Hosting an Online Event

A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Hosting an Online Event

Events, Marketing Strategy
Online events can boost brand awareness for your business and increase your overall reach. They’re also accessible, which could make people more willing and able to come. Here are some steps to take when hosting an internet-based gathering to raise the likelihood of its success. A Small Business Owner's Guide to Hosting an Online Event   Choose the Event Type One of the first considerations for hosting an online event as a small business owner is the type. Will you offer a weekend-long conference or a one-hour expert panel? Consider your target audience and the content that’ll appeal to them the most. Thinking of your company’s purpose can also guide your decision because you can directly tie the event to brand awareness. For example, if you’re a web designer offering…
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The Latest Trends To Consider For Digital Marketing After Covid-19

The Latest Trends To Consider For Digital Marketing After Covid-19

Marketing Strategy
There is no denying that we are in the midst of defining what "normal" means in all facets of our lives. This includes running a business. It appears that we may never experience "normal" as we once knew it. We are developing new routines and new ways of thinking in a post Covid world. This applies to our marketing strategies as well. One school of thought to come out of the pandemic is that we do not have to base our marketing on our current situation and wait for something big to happen. This is exactly the time to deal with what is left of the current year, and build a marketing strategy for moving forward. As with any marketing strategy, it is important to understand that if you want…
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Smarketing: Aligning Your Sales & Marketing Teams [Infographic]

Smarketing: Aligning Your Sales & Marketing Teams [Infographic]

Marketing Strategy
If you’re in a leadership role, nobody has to tell you that the marketing department is costly, and the sales department is expensive. Marketing campaigns are expensive — and there’s never just one campaign. On the sales side, salaries, commissions, travel, entertainment, miscellaneous expenses and samples all add up. As a result, leadership wants to get the best possible return on its marketing and sales investment. However, for many businesses, a lack of alignment between sales and marketing can amount to an ROI implosion, with revenue, customer retention and close rates all suffering as a result. A lack of alignment and communication is easy to find if you talk to people in your marketing and sales departments. Sales reps will tell you that the leads from marketing are terrible. Marketers…
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Beyond Startup Success: How To Grow Your Business Further

Beyond Startup Success: How To Grow Your Business Further

Marketing Strategy
There are so many articles out there helping people start a business. It’s true, starting up is pretty tough. But what then? How do you capitalize on your early success and make a bigger success out of it? How can you grow even further? It can be even harder than starting out in the first instance. There are many different methods used to grow a business. Some are specific to certain industries, while others depend on how they’re being run. It might be that you’ve already tried a couple of things and are struggling, or that you’ve just got past the start up phase and are looking for additional ways to grow your business. Here are some tips to give you something to think about and help you grow. Beyond…
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4 Common Reasons Your Digital Marketing Campaign Could Be Failing

4 Common Reasons Your Digital Marketing Campaign Could Be Failing

Marketing Strategy
Have you recently discovered that your business marketing campaign isn’t delivering the results that you had hoped for? If that’s the case, then you need to think about making some changes. To do this, it’s important to understand what’s actually going wrong. There are a few issues that will be worth exploring here. 4 Common Reasons Your Digital Marketing Campaign Could Be Failing   The Wrong Marketing Team It’s unlikely that you will be handling marketing yourself. Digital marketing in the modern age is complex, to say the least. Even search engine optimization - which might sound simple on paper - is an umbrella term that covers a plethora of possibilities. That’s why you need to make sure that you get the right marketing team working on your campaign. It’s…
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