
What To Say On Social Media For Authors {Interview}

What To Say On Social Media For Authors {Interview}

If you are anything like me, most authors tend to get on your nerves on social media with their boring posts. They publish a book, then plaster “hey my book is out buy my book” posts all over social media with a link to buy the book. Someone needs to explain social media for authors. After all, there are too many authors are spending too much time on social media trying to market their books with too little return. Sidebar: If you are guilty of this, you don’t have to hang your head in shame. We’re about to make some changes to your marketing plans. The Popular "Buy My Book" Status Updates Back to what I was saying… Ok, so these authors. It doesn’t matter if it is the first week, or month, or year.…
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Four Simple Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Response Rates

Four Simple Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Response Rates

Email Marketing
Due to the proliferation of social media many people erroneously believe that email marketing is finished. This is also party due to diminishing email marketing response rates. Do. Not. Believe. It. Nothing could be further from the truth. Lemme ask: did you open an email today? Of course you did! In fact along with responsive web design and social media, email should still be a main focus today for all your online marketing campaigns. To put it bluntly: The money is still in the list. Today we’re going to share with you four more ways to boost your email marketing response rates. Four Simple Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Response Rates Before you can get a response ... you have to get the reader to OPEN the email. Whenever we…
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How to Write Million Dollar Headlines

How to Write Million Dollar Headlines

Blogging, Marketing Strategy
The right headline can draw in even the most disinterested reader, luring them in to read the rest of your sales pitch.  In the same way, a bad headline can totally turn off a reader who might be very interested in what you’re trying to sell. While it would be nice to have, there is no specific rule on how to write headlines. That’s because it depends on what your topic is, what the goal of your writing is, and several other factors. There are, however, some basic rules and guidelines that can help you get started. [Tweet "Having trouble writing hot headlines for your blog posts? Learn a few tricks here."] How to Write Headlines That Sell 1. Tell them what they’re getting If you have an interesting or…
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The Anatomy of an Optimized Web Page [Infographic]

The Anatomy of an Optimized Web Page [Infographic]

Website Design & SEO
To optimize or not? Is it really a question? Not so much. In the digital era, it's more of a to-do than a question. The real question for most entrepreneurs isn't whether you should optimize your web pages, but rather, how in the h-e-doublehockeysticks are you supposed to do it?! Let's start at the beginning. What is optimization? And why should you care? According to, Also called search engine optimization (SEO), website optimization is a phrase that describes the procedures used to optimize – or to design from scratch – a website to rank well in search engines. Website optimization includes processes such as adding relevant keyword and phrases on the website, editing meta tags, image tags, and optimizing other components of your website to ensure that it is accessible to…
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Finding an Online Community for Women in Business

Finding an Online Community for Women in Business

Tips and Tools
As a businesswoman, it's very important to have a good support network.  You need fellow business women to share experiences and tips with.  You need women who are in related fields to ask questions and get feedback.  The sense of community provided by a group of business women can help see you through the tough times. But finding a group in your area isn't always practical.  Maybe there are networking groups that you could join, but they might meet at times that are not convenient for you.  Or if you're not in a metropolitan area, there may not be any groups that are especially for women in your area.  That doesn't mean that you're left out in the cold, though.   Finding An Online Community for Women In Business There…
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5 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Your Email List

5 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Your Email List

Marketing Strategy
Are you using social media to get more visibility for your business? Are you using email marketing to turn interested prospects into buyers? Have you integrated social media into your email list building efforts? If not, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to promote your business! Social media presents an opportunity to build your list of subscribers with a wide range of different people and cross-promote your business from different traffic sources. If you integrate your social media marketing with your email list, you can harness the power of both of these sources for even more traffic and engagement.   5 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Your Email List Let Your Social Networks Know On all of your social networks, let everyone know about your email sign-up…
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How to Use Social Media to Build Your Credibility

How to Use Social Media to Build Your Credibility

Social Media
Do you have visions of building a loyal community of social media fans? Do you want to sit behind your laptop and build a virtual empire? Have you figured out how to go about using social media to prove you know your stuff? That you're an expert in your field? Social media is an incredibly powerful marketing tool that can help you to reach a potentially unlimited number of people with the very minimum investment in terms of time, money and effort. While social media might be incredibly powerful, it's still only going to be as good as the strategy you have in place. If you haven't first established yourself as a credible authority then you'll find that everything you do falls on deaf ears.   How to Use Social Media to…
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Use Your Expertise To Build An Ebook Empire

Use Your Expertise To Build An Ebook Empire

While there are many ways to build a business online, building your own eBook empire is one method that creates long-term residual income that’s truly an automated “set and forget” system. Of course eBooks provide many perks up front. The Perks of Building an eBook Empire You don’t have to stock any inventory. You can keep overhead costs low (no publisher and agent cuts like there are with print books).  You have an endless supply that can be purchased at any time of the day or year. But they also offer many benefits that aren’t so obvious.  While a tangible book in Barnes and Noble might sell for $14.95, an eBook on the same subject could sell at anywhere from $0.99-$2.99 or more online as a digital download. You don’t have…
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