
The Truth About Cybersecurity and Why You Need to Pay Attention

The Truth About Cybersecurity and Why You Need to Pay Attention

Marketing Strategy
Want to hear something scary? Hackers could probably access your systems if they really wanted to. They’d steal all of your customer information and release employee data. Hackers can make your company violate every data protection regulation, which would result in the total collapse of your business. But don’t worry, it still takes a lot of effort and you probably aren’t important enough to warrant that much work. After all, if a cyber criminal isn’t gaining anything from breaking into your systems, why would they waste their time? You have to be worth the effort for someone to spend time, effort and their resources to break into your computers. But what if you were leaving the door open all this time? What if you were unwillingly writing them an invitation…
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5 SEO Factors That Are Critical To Increase Your Google Ranking

5 SEO Factors That Are Critical To Increase Your Google Ranking

Website Design & SEO
If you run your own website, you likely have a good idea of the importance of SEO. SEO dictates your position in search engine results. Having good SEO for your website can prove to be hugely beneficial to your business, and is something which a lot of people aim for with their own websites. Of course, though, it can be just about impossible to improve something like this if you’re not sure what influences it. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the biggest influences on your Google rankings, giving you the chance to start making improvements in the right direction. 5 SEO Factors That Are Critical To Increase Your Google Ranking Website Loading Times People won’t wait very long for a website to…
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How To Boss Your Online Marketing In 2020

How To Boss Your Online Marketing In 2020

Marketing Strategy
Such a large amount of the average person's time is spent online today, whether this be browsing the web, watching videos or posting on social media. Failing to take advantage of this for your business's online marketing and advertising efforts will cause you to lose out on such a large amount of leads, and ultimately sales. And, it’s such a simple process to get involved with. The year 2020 opens up a whole new decade. This could just be the perfect time for you to start improving your company's online reach and influence. So, if you want to know more about what you can do to start making the most of online marketing in 2020, then read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that you can…
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Creating A Marketing Strategy For Your New Sports Team

Creating A Marketing Strategy For Your New Sports Team

Marketing Strategy
If you run a sports team or are planning on starting one, you will need a marketing strategy. This often overlooked area is going to be vital for a number of reasons. Starting a sports team takes money, and you may need to generate sponsorship to buy equipment and to hire a training venue. If you are a professional sports team, then there will be salaries that need to be paid. Much of your income, in the beginning, will come from sponsorship. And, in order to bring in the sponsors, you will need a marketing strategy. Given the fact that sponsorship relies on the concept of you getting your sponsor’s name out there, it’s crucial that you can demonstrate to them that you have a strategy for bringing your team…
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What Can SEO Do For Your Business?

What Can SEO Do For Your Business?

Website Design & SEO
Having a business in the 21st century usually means that it will have some sort of presence on the internet. Whether you sell products online, offer services or want people to come to you, they need to discover your business. Unless you happen to stumble across a business or service when you are going about your everyday life, the most common way for people to find your business is by typing some keywords into a search engine. There are several marketing trends that you can take advantage of in order to increase the number of visits to your website. One of them is SEO. What Can SEO Do For Your Business?   What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is used to increase the amount of traffic…
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Page Loading… Why Is Your Business Website Running So Slow?

Page Loading… Why Is Your Business Website Running So Slow?

Website Design & SEO
If you have set up a business website, you might find page load speed to be the icing on the cake. Your website can help you communicate with your customers better, highlight your products, and be a one-stop-shop. But when your business website is running really slow, or there are problems, this could very easily turn off new customers. This means that your marketing efforts will be in vain, because your slow website can negatively impact your conversions. And nobody want this to happen! So let's talk about a few troubleshooting tips as to why your website speed could be so slow. Page Loading... Why Is Your Business Website Running So Slow?   Complex File Formats While broadband has done a lot to eradicate this, you still have to remember…
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Why Successful Marketing Requires You to Set Goals

Why Successful Marketing Requires You to Set Goals

Marketing Strategy
Successful marketing generally means that you get a good return on investment. The money you spend on marketing should result in more customers, more viewers or even more engagement. But this is where the lines start to get a little fuzzy and confusing. How exactly do you measure your marketing success? This is something that is measured differently depending on your goals. However, if you aren’t setting marketing goals in the first place, then it can be argued that you’re never going to see success because you aren’t able to define it. Why Successful Marketing Requires You to Set Goals Goal setting is an important part of doing business. You have to set goals for every aspect of your business, and that most certainly includes marketing. Here's why. Setting goals…
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Why Your Blog Is Not Attractive To Big Brands

Why Your Blog Is Not Attractive To Big Brands

When you first start blogging, the buzz of interaction is often enough to keep your momentum. You might well even ‘do it for love’ for a good few years. Whatever the period, though, there’s sure to come a stage where you want more from your blog efforts than just a few thoughtful comments The simple fact is that blogging takes a fair amount of time. As more individuals earn their living this way, community is no longer enough to keep many of us at it for long. With our loyal audiences in mind, we may want to turn our blogs into full-time undertakings. Or at least begin earning so that we can put money back into this side hustle. And, working with big brands is often the best way to…
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