
Use These Essential Tips To Design A Better Website

Use These Essential Tips To Design A Better Website

Website Design & SEO
Within the first five seconds of landing on your website, a visitor should be able to tell what your company does. Can they easily navigate to a different part of the site? Is your bounce rate low? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you need to take a look at the design and optimization of your website. Your website needs to have a design that improves your user experience, has great functionality, and complements the content you’re sharing. Your website must also communicate clearly and quickly to your audience what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for. It’s easy to get distracted by shouting about how great you are and forget to address the core concerns of your audience. Use…
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Content Marketing Checklist: 5 Steps to More Compelling Content [Infographic]

Content Marketing Checklist: 5 Steps to More Compelling Content [Infographic]

Content marketing is an approach that offers useful and valuable content to your prospects. The purpose of which is to draw in the right audience and retain their loyalty. It is also a foundation on which to build a much more stable relationship with your audience, that when done correctly, should help to generate plenty of sales leads. The primary way that content marketing creates these business to customer relationships is by offering your audience something of value. That usually means solving a problem they have, something that you may be able to do with a guide, tutorial, or review. Additionally, if you want to make your content as effective as possible, ensuring it's entertaining can help. It will become practically irresistible to your target audience if you can entertain…
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5 Common Marketing Problems, and What To Do To Fix Them

5 Common Marketing Problems, and What To Do To Fix Them

Marketing Strategy
If you feel as though your marketing strategy just isn’t working, there is probably a specific issue that you're having. Is it that you aren't generating enough leads? Is it that no one seems to be taking to you on social media? Maybe the ROI is lower than what you expected for all of your marketing investments? Whatever the case may be, it's a good idea to try to pinpoint the real marketing issue you're having. Once the culprit is identified, you can fix that particular piece of your marketing puzzle. If you're not sure where to start, here are a few of the most common marketing problems I see. Take a look below to see if any of these scenarios apply. 5 Common Marketing Problems, and What To Do…
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The Benefits Of Using A Specialist Marketing Company

The Benefits Of Using A Specialist Marketing Company

Marketing Strategy
Marketing is one of the most critical areas of your business. It is what drives sales, increasing your revenue and helping your business grow. It is also the vehicle that delivers the right messages to your customers and keep you ahead of your competition. These days multiple companies are offering digital marketing, traditional marketing and niche-specialist marketing. Depending on your business, you might find using a niche-specialist marketing company could have a more significant impact. The Benefits Of Using A Specialist Marketing Company Knowing What Your Audience Wants  A marketing company that works specifically within your field will understand precisely how to speak to your consumers. For example, if you sell motorcycles, then outsourcing to a motorcycle marketing company gives you access to all the knowledge they have about motorcycle…
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Old School Marketing Methods That Still Get the Job Done

Old School Marketing Methods That Still Get the Job Done

Marketing Strategy
In the digital era, there are new online marketing methods being used all the time. While some of them can certainly help your business, others are likely to deliver underwhelming results. In fact, many business owners are surprised at just how costly and ineffective digital marketing can be when done incorrectly. Fortunately, there are tried and tested marketing techniques that have been shown to work time and time again. With years of data and commercial success to prove how worthwhile they are, it’s easy to see why so many businesses return to old school marketing activities. If you want to give your business a boost and drive revenue, take a look at these top traditional marketing methods now. Old School Marketing Methods That Still Get the Job Done Promotional Items…
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Forget Digital Marketing: Face-To-Face Interactions Are Far More Potent

Forget Digital Marketing: Face-To-Face Interactions Are Far More Potent

Marketing Strategy
Digital marketing has been the go-to strategy for many companies for years now. But despite all the promises, it still hasn’t dislodged more traditional modes of communicating with customers. Whether SEO agencies like it or not, people still want to interact with real flesh-and-blood humans. And that is unlikely to change any time soon. Offline marketing methods are more powerful than most companies realize. While digital marketing allows you to communicate important messages, there’s no substitute for in-person interactions. When you speak to somebody in real life, you deliver much more information than you can through a banner ad or even a video. They’re able to get the measure of you, size you up, and then figure out whether it is worth buying from you. If you’re a confident, approachable…
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How To Effectively Market Your Business At A Trade Show

How To Effectively Market Your Business At A Trade Show

Marketing Strategy
As regular readers of our website will know, digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business. It's relatively easy, cost-effective, and can be done from the confines of your office space. However, offline marketing isn't dead, so it is still important to connect with your potential and current customers in other ways. One technique to consider is event marketing, be it an event you hold yourself or, for the purposes of this article, at a trade show that pertains to your particular business type. People who attend trade shows are there because they already have a vested interest in the type of product you might have to offer. In some ways, this makes a trade show the perfect arena to market your business. How To…
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How To Embark On Your First Influencer Marketing Campaign

How To Embark On Your First Influencer Marketing Campaign

Marketing Strategy
We’ve been swayed by influencer marketing well before the age of social media. For example, when celebrities promoted brands in tv commercials and print ads, they were called endorsements. These endorsements were simply influencers (the celebrity) marketing products and services. This is the evolution of what we now consider “influencer marketing”. The playing field now includes the internet, the number of players has expanded, but the game remains the same. There has never been a better, or more affordable time, for you to hire influencers to help market your products and services. Why use influencer marketing? Influencer marketing is a specific kind of marketing that focuses on collaborating with influential niche authorities to deliver your brand’s message to your target audience. Rather than using a widespread approach with a single…
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