
15 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

15 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

Social Media
Once you have learned how to set up accounts on all of the major social media sites, the next step is to learn how to get followers and boost engagement. Many people will approach social media marketing with a step by step process that has to be carried out each day. For this reason, you will see many folks posting a set number of status updates and sharing a set number of articles each day. Social media is more about engaging with your followers to generate lifelong customers. It is also a way to gather market research that is necessary for keeping your products and services new and fresh. Here are a few ways that you can use your social media accounts to gain more followers and boost your engagement…
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Too Good to Be True? Traffic Methods to Avoid and Why

Too Good to Be True? Traffic Methods to Avoid and Why

Website Design & SEO
There are people who will give you tips to increase traffic to your website who don't care if you ruin your entire business. All they care about is that they sold you an information product that "works". Sure, these traffic methods may work, but only until you get caught. Then your business will be ruined because Google will block you out, and people will feel lied to. Too Good to Be True? Traffic Methods to Avoid and Why   Whether you are working to get traffic to your website, or you are trying to drive traffic to your social media channels, here are a few traffic methods that you should avoid at all costs. Keyword Stuffing Avoid targeting keywords that aren't relevant to your audience, the products or services that…
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How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space

How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space

Tips and Tools
Whether you recently started working from home or have done so for most of your career, you’ll be more productive in a highly functional and appealing space. Fulfilling the stereotype of telecommuting while lying in bed or sitting on your couch will make it hard to stay motivated, and you could develop soreness from keeping your body in poor alignment. Fortunately, it’s easy and rewarding to create a lovely, enticing place to work from home — no matter your budget. Here are six excellent ways to start. How to Create a Beautiful Work-From-Home Space   1.  Maximize the Available Space Keeping home offices tidy goes a long way in making them beautiful. Assess your current workspace and see how you could increase the storage options. For example, under-desk baskets could…
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Connect On LinkedIn With A Personal Message

Connect On LinkedIn With A Personal Message

Social Media
Let's face it, to build your professional network you will want to forge relationships with people who you don't know personally. So why not use LinkedIn as a professional starting point? LinkedIn is designed for professional networking! Let's take a step back first. What are the rules of offline networking? You don't just walk up to a person and ask them for their resume and list of contacts do you? No, you introduce yourself FIRST. The same rule applies to making connections via LinkedIn, that is if you want to really network. Connect On LinkedIn With A Personal Message You don't want to go spamming people with empty invitations or canned messages to connect. You have to introduce yourself first! If you don't, you'll look like a lazy networker/sleazy salesperson who happens to be clueless about building relationships on social media.…
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Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes

Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes

Tips and Tools
Your readers have short attention spans. I’m sure that’s no big surprise to you. In fact, you probably browse the Internet at light speed, too, scanning titles and subheads, skipping to the bottoms of sales pages, and fast-forwarding through videos just so you can get to the next thing. The same is true for your readers, and if you want to capture their attention long enough to entice them to opt-in to your mailing list, then you have to keep that in mind. Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes   A Tip From Newspaper Publishers Have you ever noticed that everything you need to know about a news story is in the first paragraph? Journalists are trained to answer all the…
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Instagram Image Ideas For When You Don’t Want to Take Selfies

Instagram Image Ideas For When You Don’t Want to Take Selfies

Social Media
Instagram is extremely popular among internet marketers for a large number of reasons. This is a marketing platform with a great ROI, as well as a huge reach (1 billion+ active users). It’s also extremely trendy and popular right now, and showing no signs of slowing down or losing momentum. But there are several things that might be holding you back from fully exploiting the potential of Instagram. One of those things, is the fact that Instagram – at least on the face of it – appears to require you to have some skill when it comes to photography.   If you want your Instagram images to be effective, then you have to know how to take a good photo right? If you don’t know how to take great photos,…
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8 Reasons Why Businesses Must Have Visual Brand Guidelines

8 Reasons Why Businesses Must Have Visual Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines communicate essential things about your business or brand within your organization and with everyone, including your partners and affiliates. These are a set of tools and instructions on how your branding elements must be used. These guidelines are usually presented in a book format and used by everyone who will use your brand elements for promoting your business, including writers and designers. No two brands are similar, so the elements contained in your brand guidelines will not be the same as your competitor’s guidelines. Still, there are three common elements that must be included in every brand rulebook. These include: Typography – Every guideline must have font sizes, typefaces and families, and the font hierarchy associated with your brand. Color palette – These are the colors making up…
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How and Why All Solopreneurs Should Prepare for Cyberattacks

How and Why All Solopreneurs Should Prepare for Cyberattacks

Tips and Tools
Cyberattacks commonly make headlines. However, if you're a solopreneur, you may think online criminals are most interested in targeting the biggest enterprises. That's not necessarily true. These perpetrators thrive on wreaking havoc, and they often focus on smaller businesses in their attacks. Here are some compelling reasons to take cybersecurity seriously and how you can do that effectively. How and Why All Solopreneurs Should Prepare for Cyberattacks   Cyberattacks Have Become More Prevalent and Costly One crucial reason to defend your company against potential cyberattacks is they're happening more frequently overall. A 2019 survey polled nearly 5,400 cybersecurity professionals worldwide to get their feedback on internet crimes. One worrying finding was that 61% of respondents said their organizations experienced cyberattacks, compared to 45% in the previous year. Additionally, the study's…
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