Are you struggling to gain the impact you want with your business marketing strategy? If so, then it’s important to understand whether things are going wrong. There are lots of problems that could be crippling your marketing campaign. But here are three main variables to focus on if you want to see dramatic changes.
Why Is Your Marketing Failing? The Three Factors To Focus On
Your website is the digital front door of your business. More often than not it defines the first impression that customers receive of your company. Here are some of the elements that you need to focus on to ensure that your website makes a great first impression.
Getting Technical Details Right
First, you need to make sure that you get the technical details right with your business website. Issues with the technical aspects of your site will always mean that you struggle to keep your business on the right track.
For instance, you need to think about your site structure. Ideally, you should focus on a three-click rule here. This means that your customers or users should never be more than three clicks away from what they are searching for. You can achieve this by putting links in the right place.
You might also want to focus on speeding up your website. It should never take more than a few seconds for your site to load. If there’s an issue here, then you’re going to be hit with a high bounce rate.
Your website should never take more than a couple seconds to load. If there’s an issue here, then you’re going to be hit with a high bounce rate. Click To TweetFixing Issues With Content
When it comes to placing content on your website it is important you get this right. Placing content that your customers and clients want to see. Your website shouldn’t just contain the products and services you are selling but other pieces of information and guidance too.
For instance, if you are a beauty business then how about creating a blog giving your customers advice on how to look after their skin? This gives your customers the feeling that you don’t just want to take their money but care about their well-being and needs.
However, with that being said your content should also be current and correct. If you are providing false information on your blog then this can land you in some hot water. If you are finding that your site visitors are dwindling then it may be time to look at the type of content you are placing online. Speak to marketing experts who will be able to give you some good advice on what you should be putting on your website.
If your website or your checkout process is too complex, you will find customers taking their business elsewhere. Click To TweetEnsuring Your Site Stands Out
When your business is closed there is one thing that remains constantly open and that’s your website. This will gain attraction from customers and clients most commonly between the hours of 8 pm and 10 pm. You need to make sure that your website is fully working and not down for maintenance during this time so you don’t miss out on vital sales.
One thing you should remember when it comes to your website is that it needs to be accessible for everyone. There is no point in creating a high-tech website that only tech-savvy individuals will be able to navigate.
If your website is too complex you will find customers taking their business elsewhere.
Your customers and clients don’t want to be scrolling endlessly to find the page or product they are looking for. Think about adding a search bar so that these things can be easily found. Another thing to bear in mind is that your website should match your branding, getting the colors right so it’s eye-catching and pretty is important.
Social Media
Social media is the key way that you can engage your audience online. It helps your company feel more personal and connected. There are some key steps that you can take to elevate the power of social media.
Giving Yourself The Right Voice
First, you need to make sure that you are using the right voice for your SEO strategy. Your brand voice is one of the details that will separate you from competitors online. You need to decide the type of message that you want to send to customers and clients.
For instance, you might be interested in making your brand feel fun and friendly. Or, you could adopt a far more authoritative voice. Again, this all depends on the audience that you are looking to attract and the impact that you want to create here.
Once you decide on your brand voice, you need to make sure that it remains consistent. It should be apparent across all social networks that you are using. It needs to be present in the content that you add to your website as well.
Once you decide on your brand voice, you need to make sure that it remains consistent. It should be apparent across all social networks that you are using. Click To TweetIncreasing Your Number Of Followers
Followers are an important piece of the puzzle if you want to create the right level of impact with your social media marketing strategy. Without a high number of followers, your level of reach online will be limited at best.
There are numerous ways that you can increase your follower numbers. For instance, you might want to think about connecting with influencers. By connecting with the best influencers, you can siphon off their followers and use them to build up your marketing strategy. It’s important that you never purchase follower numbers. This is a recipe for disaster. You’ll look like a fraud if you are discovered.
Engaging Your Audience
Of course, when it comes to building up your social marketing strategy, increasing your number of followers is only one part of the puzzle. You need to engage followers. There are two main ways to do this.
First, consider using user-generated content. This option helps you create a two-way street with your audience which is mutually beneficial. It’s a great way to connect with influencers.
You can also open up discussions with groups of followers. Research trending topics and questions that your users are interested in exploring.
When it comes to building up your social marketing strategy, increasing your number of followers is only one part of the puzzle. You also need to engage followers. Click To TweetChoosing Your Social Networks
You need to choose the right social networks for your target audience. With so many social networks to choose from it can be difficult to find the option that deserves your attention and will provide the best results.
Some social networks are going to be more relevant or useful to your business than others. For example, if you don’t use any form of video marketing then you don’t want to use a site like Youtube or TikTok. If you are unsure of which social media network would be the best one for you then you could try one and see how you get on. You should also keep track of key metrics throughout your campaign.
Search engine optimization is the bread and butter of your marketing campaign. Many businesses simplify SEO to the point where it becomes worthless. These are some factors to think about.
Keeping Up To Date
First, you need to make sure that you keep up with the latest changes to SEO standards. Google is constantly updating and evolving their recommendations for SEO that businesses should explore. For instance, you might want to start by looking into Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines. The most recent update to this arrived in December 2022. It will provide you with the building blocks that you need for an SEO campaign that delivers the results that you want.
Using The Right SEO Service
Next, you should make sure that you are using the right SEO service. As you may have guessed, SEO is not something that you should DIY. It is complicated, time-consuming, and takes a considerable amount of skill. Using a professional service is a good option here. However, you do need to choose the right solution.
There are lots of SEO companies and they don’t always deliver the best results. You need to check the reviews of any business that you are keen to work with. A key sign of poor service will be a business that can quote a price before they know anything about your brand. If they don’t know anything about your company, they won’t know the type of SEO you need.
Different Types Of SEO
SEO is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of different tools and strategies. As such, you do need to make sure that you are exploring all the options here. For instance, you might want to think about using link-building strategies. Link building does not refer to adding links to your business website. Instead, it’s about ensuring that the best websites online link back to your own.
This takes time and a certain level of PR prowess that you may not possess. It’s another reason why you should make sure that you use a professional SEO service. By setting up a comprehensive SEO strategy, you will give yourself the best chance of big results.
Hopefully, this helps you understand the three main factors to consider if your marketing strategy is not delivering the results you need.
Miss Kemya
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