What To Do When You Get Bored With Your Blog

What To Do When You Get Bored With Your Blog

Blogging is a great activity that offers personal and professional benefits. It can give you an outlet for your thoughts and ideas, as well as a way to make money and perhaps start working for yourself. One of the main advantages of having a blog is the friendships and connections that come with it. You enter the blogger world, you learn from other bloggers, you make meaningful friendships and connections, and you start to find that blogging is really good fun. At some point, many bloggers decide to start taking things more seriously. They wonder if their blogs could become more than a fun hobby. If they could actually begin to make money from them. Many are successful. From a little pocket money to a full-time income, there are many…
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Follow Me on Pinterest for Blogging Tips and Resources

Social Media
Am I on Pinterest? Of course I am! Who can resist that beautiful kaleidoscope of colors, graphics, and delicious imagery? I use Pinterest for business and play, as a wish list, reference tool, and sandbox when I feel like goofing off. If you're a regular pinner, you know how easy it is to get lost in la la land looking at pins. As a  curator of business content, one of  my favorite Pinterest boards that I refer to often is my "All About Blogging" board. If it sounds like the purpose of this board is self-explanatory, you are correct! The All About Blogging board has blogging tips, resources, and how-to's on all things relevant for bloggers. I blog for business and I use Pinterest for business, and this board supports my marketing efforts.…
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9 Reasons Why You Should Comment on Blogs

9 Reasons Why You Should Comment on Blogs

Do you visit a friend's house, stay for dinner, enjoy a delicious meal, and leave without saying thank you? Do you read blogs, learn their valuable info, and skip town without saying thanks for the information? It sounds kind of rude when you think about it like this, doesn't it? We’re so accustomed to using social media to send quick thank you’s and opinions that we’ve lost sight of the value of leaving comments on blogs. Or is it that we never really had a firm grasp on the importance of doing so? Blog comments can be a valuable tool to use to build relationships and build your business. Comments can show your expertise, expand your audience, and possibly land you a new client. First things first, your gravatar needs to be…
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