The Power of Partnerships in Marketing

Synchronicity, putting it out in the universe, laws of attraction, coincidence… Whatever you want to call it, it is real.

Here’s how it has been showing in my life.

  • At a recent team meeting we talked about the goal to attract two types of relationships, clients, and referral partners.
  • On the Nonprofit Corner Podcast, our guest Jamar “J Haleem” Washington delved into the nature of partnerships.
  • It showed up in my inbox…

I happen to love the term partner, and for many clients, I refer to myself as their ‘accountability’ partner.

For me, the term partner adds a personal and higher level of interaction. It heightens the relationships from a mere collaborator, client, or colleague to a relationship with shared goals, values, or mission.

And then synchronicity hits again, in my inbox from one of my favorite marketers, Pat Flynn, author of the book SuperFans, is a full email about a marketing partnership campaign he did.

I didn’t need to be hit over the head… I need to write about partnerships, so here we go.

The Power of Partnerships in Marketing

Power of Partnerships in Marketing

In that email I mentioned, Flynn explained a step-by-step growth strategy to get in front of more people, and his quote for the week,

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

More signs… This is one of my favorite quotes, and confirmed for me that laws of attraction were working overtime.

Quite understandably, the term “partner” has different meanings depending on the context. I put together a full overview and list of partnership examples, and you can access it HERE. On that same page is also a Cause Marketing eGuide – grab both!

Let’s get back to Pat Flynn’s partnership strategy.

He explained how he had a guest on his podcast and at the end of the conversation he shared a link to his business coaching bundle, which includes freebies for listeners and grows his email list at the same time. Self-serving of course, however, on the exact same day, Flynn was also a guest on his podcast and did the same thing. That was a collaborative partnership.

They were in front of each other’s audiences, shared stories, provided value, and can grow email lists, together, a partnership.

Taking it a step further they also cross promoted each other’s bundles in their newsletters, a different medium.

Synchronicity hits again. I use guest podcasting as a means of growth. However, coordinated collaborations like Flynn’s example take it to the new level. Whether it’s with a podcast, YouTube, or even just on social media, when you give together, you grow together.

The challenging part is the scheduling and administrative details but it’s worth it.

This was just one example of a power marketing partnership.

Find Your Partner

So, my challenge and call to action for you is to find someone to collaborate with. The easiest method is to offer something of value (lead magnet) to grow your email lists together. This is much easier to coordinate than promoting products to each other’s audiences. Remember, you need to build a customer relationship before asking them to marry you.

One way to find your partner and demonstrates the power of getting involved in online communities, is it puts you around like-minded people — and potential collaborators — those who understand the power of planning in this way.

An Example: Collaboration Workflow In Action

Here’s the step-by-step rundown of a podcast and newsletter collaboration, including some tips:

  1. Find a fellow podcaster to collaborate with.
  2. Plan a date and time to publish simultaneously that works for both parties. You’re going to work backward from that publish date.
  3. Plan a date and time to record together. You’ll have to record twice — once for your platform and another for theirs. What works well for me is booking a larger time slot so can be recorded back-to-back. Be sure to mention that you’re both on each other’s platform during the recordings.
  4. Discuss what you’re promoting for each other and how you are both going to do it. Set up a landing page for the bonuses. Need help with lead magnets?
  5. Check-in with each other during the process, even after you’ve both recorded. You don’t want to publish unless you know they’re going to publish too. If you must delay because of setbacks, be sure to quickly let them know.
  6. Hit publish on the same day as your collaborative partner and enjoy the rewards!
  7. Be active in their community the day (or week) that you show up on their radar. This is a great way to show up even more for your partner’s people, leaving an epic first impression!
Are you leveraging the power of partnerships in marketing? Here's why you should be partnering, and how to collaborate your next partner! Click To Tweet

​Additional Marketing Partner Examples

Marketing partners can be involved in the actual execution of marketing campaigns. This may include creating advertising materials, managing social media accounts, running email marketing campaigns, or producing video content.

Market Research: Marketing partners can conduct market research to gather insights about consumer preferences, market trends, and competitors. This information helps in making informed marketing decisions.

Media Buying and Placement: Some marketing partners specialize in media buying and placement, helping companies secure advertising space in various channels such as TV, radio, print, or online.

Digital Marketing: Marketing partners often have expertise in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, and social media marketing. They may manage a company’s online presence and help improve its visibility on the internet.

Analytics and Reporting: Marketing partners track the performance of marketing campaigns and provide regular reports and insights. This data-driven approach helps companies refine their marketing strategies for better results.

Creative Services: Many marketing partners offer creative services, such as graphic design, copywriting, and video production, to create compelling marketing materials and content.

6 Reasons Why Marketing Partnerships Are Invaluable (and why you should be partnering) Click To Tweet

Why Marketing Partnerships Are Valuable

  1. Expertise and Specialization: Marketing partners often bring specialized knowledge and skills to the table. They stay updated on the latest marketing trends and technologies, which can be challenging for individual companies to do in-house.
  2. Cost-Efficiency: Partnering with a marketing agency or consultant can be more cost-effective than hiring and maintaining an entire in-house marketing team. Companies can access a wide range of marketing skills without the overhead costs of permanent staff.
  3. Scalability: Marketing partners can scale their services to match a company’s needs. Whether it’s a small project or a comprehensive marketing campaign, they can adapt to different scopes and budgets.
  4. Focus on Core Competencies: Companies can focus on their core business activities while leaving marketing tasks to experts. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.
  5. Access to Networks: Marketing partners may have valuable industry connections and networks that can be leveraged for partnerships, collaborations, or sponsorships.
  6. Flexibility and Agility: Marketing partners can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and adjust marketing strategies, providing a level of agility that can be crucial in dynamic industries.

Final Thoughts

In summary, a marketing partner is a strategic collaborator that helps companies or nonprofits plan, execute, and optimize their marketing efforts. These partnerships are valuable for businesses looking to enhance their marketing capabilities, reach a wider audience, and achieve their marketing objectives efficiently and effectively.

Miss Kemya

Next steps:

    • Are you a nonprofit or a business that shares educational content (lead magnet)?
    • Are you optimizing your marketing efforts?
    • Is your organization receiving $10,000 in free digital ads every month?

Learn more about Google Ad Grants acquiring and optimizing, training and more.

Dr. Victoria Boyd
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