5 Best Online Business Ideas to Start Today [Infographic]

5 Best Online Business Ideas to Start Today [Infographic]

Tips and Tools
I can't count how many times I have been asked how I work online. How I can run a 100% virtual business. Where to get online business ideas. You see, this is the norm for me and my entrepreneur, location independent friends. And maybe you too! But it's still a new phenomenon for a large part of society. Then when I get to explaining all the intricacies of a virtual business, I get the same look. It's an "A-HA, holy cow, how in the world, who lives like that" expression. It's priceless! You see, while living and working online has become my new normal, people still don't understand the possibilities. They wonder how they too can work online, what they can create, share and generate as a stream of revenue.…
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How to Focus on Clear, Actionable Goals

Tips and Tools
If you ask people what they want, many of them will simply say they want to be successful. But if you ask them how they plan to achieve this success, they won’t have feasible goals. If you don't set action-oriented goals, how are you supposed to know what to DO to achieve said goals? Let's figure this out. [Tweet "If you don't set action-oriented goals, how are you supposed to know what to DO?"] How to Focus on Clear, Actionable Goals If you have random milestones that are too broad, you won’t be able to reach those goals. For example, let's say you have typical goals like: I want to be successful financially, I want my business to grow, and This year I am going to level up in my…
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Single Focus vs Multitasking: How to Manage Multiple Projects

Single Focus vs Multitasking: How to Manage Multiple Projects

Tips and Tools
As a contractor you’re likely to be working on many projects together simultaneously. You might have five to ten clients with various projects at different stages. But, is it better to focus on one project at a time or multitask? Well, the verdict is in when it comes to single focus vs multitasking: study after study shows that people who think they are good at multitasking really aren’t.   Which Is More Efficient - Single Focus vs Multitasking? Now, before you admonish your organizational skills and your multitasking mastery, let's take a different approach. Let's pretend for the sake or argument that you are NOT a part of the 2% of the population who is actually proficient at multitasking. Cool? Ok. Let's consider a different question: How do I handle multiple…
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How to Embrace Your Fear as an Entrepreneur

How to Embrace Your Fear as an Entrepreneur

Tips and Tools
The new year is the natural start of new beginnings, and while we don’t all make resolutions, we do leap into the new year with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and fervor to make this THE year. Make this OUR YEAR. The year we finally get our shit together, stop procrastinating and making excuses, living in coulda, woulda, shoulda land. [Tweet "There is still time to make this your BEST YEAR! Embrace your fears and take action!"] Ahhhhh… has the smell of the New Year faded? Are you back to your old habits of big ideas, slow execution and even slower profitability? Fret not my dear, many an entrepreneur experiences this as spring rears her head each year. According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second…
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Why and How to Use Slideshows In Your Content Marketing

Why and How to Use Slideshows In Your Content Marketing

Tips and Tools
You have no doubt been in a meeting or attended a conference where the speaker has used a slideshow. Some of these presentations are dull and monotonous, while others are visually stunning and engaging. Slideshows can be a powerful presentation tool, if you consider the needs of your audience before you start up PowerPoint. Have you used slides in your presentations, either in person or virtual? How was your presentation received? Did your visuals capture interest, or put your audience to sleep? Why Use Slideshows “Showing rather than just telling” your audience is a maxim that’s probably as old as public speaking itself. Giving your audience a visual image is one of the best ways to get and keep your audience’s attention. Slideshows can make your business presentations more interactive and…
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How to Use Free Reports and Ebooks to Grow Your Business

How to Use Free Reports and Ebooks to Grow Your Business

Tips and Tools
How do you convert blog visitors into regular visitors? Do you publish blog posts daily, do you ask them to "come back tomorrow", or do you leave their return visit up to chance? Part of your content marketing strategy is to show your wealth of knowledge. As bloggers, we work hard to give valuable information and insight to our audience, in the hopes that they like what we share and come back for more. How to Use Free Reports and Ebooks to Grow Your Business One type of content marketing is giving away freebies. Free reports and ebooks can build your business fast by helping you spread your knowledge, establish your expertise and most importantly, collect email addresses for your mailing list. Because, hands down, email marketing is still the most…
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Gain 10 Hours A Week to Work on Your Business While Holding Down A Job

Gain 10 Hours A Week to Work on Your Business While Holding Down A Job

Tips and Tools
How many times have we all said, “If only I had more time then I could get more done in my business?” The solution is not getting more time - we all have the same amount. We're all tied to the same 24 hours in a day. The key is to manage the time we do have and make it work more effectively for us. Even if you think you don’t have time to take on anything else, you might be surprised to discover how much time you’re actually wasting during the day. You can start an online business whether you hold down a full-time job or not. Sometimes when it comes to starting a business, many people have the mental picture that it’s all or nothing - that to…
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Are You Managing Your Time or Is It Managing You?

Are You Managing Your Time or Is It Managing You?

Tips and Tools
It's amazing how much some people manage to get done, while others seem to be stuck in a rut without enough time in the day to accomplish much of anything. Time management is an art form. But, here's a li'l secret. Everyone has the same amount of time in every single day. It's one way in which we are all created equal. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Are You Managing Your Time or Is It Managing You? Track Your Activities for a Week To get a real picture of how you spend your time, try tracking everything you do for at least one week. Use a small recorder to record when you start and stop any task, and include the time. Did you know? There's an…
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