Why Business Planning Is The Secret To Success For The Coming Year

Why Business Planning Is The Secret To Success For The Coming Year

7 Day Challenge Business Planning to Rock Your Year, Tips and Tools
Do you set aside time regularly to plan what you want to do in your business? If it’s not something you currently do, I strongly encourage you to embrace it for the remainder of this year! Setting aside a business planning session to decide what I want to do and, more importantly, what growth I want to achieve in the coming year has been crucial to my own success. Sometimes I commit to (and follow through lol) planning at the end of the year for the upcoming year. Other times, life gets in the way and I don't get to plan when I want to. IMO, it doesn't matter when you plan, as long as you make time to plan. So, we're making time over these next 7 days, together.…
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3 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online

3 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online

Tips and Tools
Oftentimes, we get so busy caught up in the day-to-day operations of running a business that we postpone the operational decisions until we “have enough time” to deal with them. However, we put ourselves at risk every day when working online without the proper safeguards in place. It's time to proactively protect your small business online. After all, nothing forces us to stop and take action quite like a cyber security issue. From a lost password, to a data breach, a security crisis can be stopped before it starts with a bit of planning and advanced preparation. 3 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online You may be under the impression that your small business is safe online because of its size. We hate to be the bearer…
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How to Plug the Money Leaks In Your Business

How to Plug the Money Leaks In Your Business

Tips and Tools
Periodically, if you want to boost your profit you can do so by simply plugging money leaks. It happens to all businesses eventually; they find they're wasting an enormous amount of money on something they even forgot they were spending money on in the first place. This can happen to all kinds of businesses, whether bricks and mortar or solely online. How to Plug Money Leaks in Your Business As a business owner, it may feel like money is floating through your hands, instead of into your savings account. There are so many tools used to run the business, and so many trial offers that we have to keep track of, that there is likely a set of tools and services you are paying for that you have either forgotten…
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Marketing & Tech Essentials to Run Your Business

Marketing & Tech Essentials to Run Your Business

Tips and Tools
For many people, owning their own thriving business is the American Dream. However, there is a lot of unseen work that goes into getting an idea off the ground. There is even more work to start turning a profit in a retail or ecommerce setting. One of the core elements to establishing a successful business is clear, consistent marketing. In today’s cluttered digital landscape, it can be hard for solopreneurs and small business owners to make an impact without spending beyond their means. Currently, one in five small or medium-sized businesses doesn’t invest in any kind of marketing. 1 in 5! In the United States alone, that means that those businesses are missing out on more than an estimated 290 million internet users. This number is only expected to grow.…
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Transcribe Audio and Video Files with TEMI [Review]

Transcribe Audio and Video Files with TEMI [Review]

Reviews: Stuff I Love, Tips and Tools
Can you talk faster than you can type? How many pieces of content could you produce if you could simply transcribe your ideas and watch them come to life? If you’re like most business owners, you have a ton of info in your head, and not enough time to pour it all out in a useful, logical fashion that you can then review and repurpose as needed. Writing takes too much time, typing takes too much time. You could use speech to text, but that doesn’t work for me. As far as I am concerned, I speak the queen’s English and the speech to text tools never work for me! I’ve tried apps and software and they just don’t work for me. Besides, if I see what the app is…
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Why You Need A Business Vision for Long Term Success

Why You Need A Business Vision for Long Term Success

Tips and Tools
There is a saying that goes like this: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” When running a business, many people skip developing a business vision, with intentions on getting back to it later. Whether it’s being distracted by social media, getting a logo just right, or chasing a dollar to pay the bills, the critical business building planning often goes ignored. Again, you can have every intention of doing strategic planning when the time is right or when you make enough money to go on a retreat, but if you don’t make a point to stop you’ll never get the chance. Here’s the thing: as an entrepreneur you don’t have a boss to tell you to go to lunch. A boss to make you take a legally mandated day…
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Busy Is Not A Synonym For Productive

Busy Is Not A Synonym For Productive

Tips and Tools
I'm so busy. I have too much going on. I'm doing it all. Have you heard your entrepreneur friends express these sentiments at some point? Are you one of them? Whomever invented the solopreneur term was reading your mind weren't they? That pretty much describes your role in your business - you’re the CEO/ Marketing Manager/ Accountant/ Receptionist/ Coffee Maker/ Cafeteria – what a job title! I get it. But let’s be clear, people always talk about how busy they are, yet they never put the right words after the busy - running around in circles. Simply “busy” without a strategy is just that, “busy”. There’s a big difference between being busy and being productive. Busy In Not A Synonym For Productive How many people have you heard complain that they’re working very hard…
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Do Press Releases Still Work In the Online World?

Do Press Releases Still Work In the Online World?

Marketing Strategy, Tips and Tools
One of the oldest marketing ploys around is the old-fashioned press release. But, do they still work? The short answer is that if you have a newsworthy reason to issue a press release, then by all means you should do it. Press releases still have great value for many reasons. They still get results, although not always the types of result you might expect. Do Press Releases Still Work? Yes they do! Here are several reasons why you should consider using press releases as part of your marketing strategy:     Number 1: Low Cost Press releases are still relatively low-cost ways to get the word out about a new product, service, or event. This is true whether you do it yourself or hire a service to do it for…
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