
3 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online

3 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online

Tips and Tools
Oftentimes, we get so busy caught up in the day-to-day operations of running a business that we postpone the operational decisions until we “have enough time” to deal with them. However, we put ourselves at risk every day when working online without the proper safeguards in place. It's time to proactively protect your small business online. After all, nothing forces us to stop and take action quite like a cyber security issue. From a lost password, to a data breach, a security crisis can be stopped before it starts with a bit of planning and advanced preparation. 3 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online You may be under the impression that your small business is safe online because of its size. We hate to be the bearer…
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How to Plug the Money Leaks In Your Business

How to Plug the Money Leaks In Your Business

Tips and Tools
Periodically, if you want to boost your profit you can do so by simply plugging money leaks. It happens to all businesses eventually; they find they're wasting an enormous amount of money on something they even forgot they were spending money on in the first place. This can happen to all kinds of businesses, whether bricks and mortar or solely online. How to Plug Money Leaks in Your Business As a business owner, it may feel like money is floating through your hands, instead of into your savings account. There are so many tools used to run the business, and so many trial offers that we have to keep track of, that there is likely a set of tools and services you are paying for that you have either forgotten…
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Get Out of the Email Marketing Rut

Get Out of the Email Marketing Rut

Email Marketing
Are you using email marketing to cultivate a warm audience and stay connected to your tribe? When is the last time you audited your email campaigns? If you're like many 'preneurs, it may have been a while. Once you set up your email campaigns, it's easy for time to go by and to let everything get a little stale. If you're not getting the results you used to get, it's probably because you're in an email rut. And if you want to get out of the email rut, it's best to come up with a plan to update and improve your email marketing at least once a year. No time to read the full post? Listen on the podcast: Get Out of the Email Marketing Rut: Eight Ways to Success…
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How to Use Facebook to Generate Ecommerce Leads

How to Use Facebook to Generate Ecommerce Leads

Marketing Strategy
Social media has become a critical tool for achieving success online. With Facebook alone being used by billions of people around the world, it would be hard to find a better platform for businesses to engage their audiences and find prospective customers. That’s why companies of all sizes are actively looking to hire one of the top social media agencies to help them get in on the action as well. That’s especially true for ecommerce sites that can use Facebook to direct thousands of hyper-targeted leads to their best offers. But while social media offers tremendous opportunities to sell online for e-commerce businesses, what strategies are the most effective? After all, paid advertising can drain your marketing budget quickly. So, you need to make sure that you’re doing everything you…
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Finding a Professional Tone of Voice for Your Content Marketing

Finding a Professional Tone of Voice for Your Content Marketing

Marketing Strategy
Content marketing consists of creating a lot of different types of content, then promoting it on all your online real estate via many means such as social sharing, pay-per-click marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and more. Content marketing is a really great way to get the word out about your products and services in a natural, organic way. But, it’s important to figure out what your point of view is so that you can create a coherent and professional tone of voice for your content marketing. No time to read the full post? Listen to it on the podcast: Finding a Content Marketing Tone of Voice Step 1: Figure Out Your Core Values What is it that you want to say to the world? What is it that you feel…
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Your Inbound Marketing Leads Are Leaking Out. What Now?

Your Inbound Marketing Leads Are Leaking Out. What Now?

Marketing Strategy
So, you’ve built a killer website and done everything by the book to increase its visibility in the online world. You’re optimizing for relevant keywords, writing valuable content, and building links on authoritative sites. You’ve also invested in building a solid brand promotion strategy across multiple channels, from social networks to business directories. Still, your conversions are not satisfactory. What’s wrong? The answer is simple. Your Inbound Marketing Leads Are Leaking Out In other words, people are constantly visiting your site, but they leave it without sharing any contact information with you. But, don’t worry. There is a way to fix that. Leverage the Pages That Are Converting Best Not every page on your site is equally important. Some pages are converting better than the rest and, as such, they…
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Marketing & Tech Essentials to Run Your Business

Marketing & Tech Essentials to Run Your Business

Tips and Tools
For many people, owning their own thriving business is the American Dream. However, there is a lot of unseen work that goes into getting an idea off the ground. There is even more work to start turning a profit in a retail or ecommerce setting. One of the core elements to establishing a successful business is clear, consistent marketing. In today’s cluttered digital landscape, it can be hard for solopreneurs and small business owners to make an impact without spending beyond their means. Currently, one in five small or medium-sized businesses doesn’t invest in any kind of marketing. 1 in 5! In the United States alone, that means that those businesses are missing out on more than an estimated 290 million internet users. This number is only expected to grow.…
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How to Tell Your Brand Story on Social Media

How to Tell Your Brand Story on Social Media

Stories connect every living being. Long before there was a television or even the radio, humans would gather around a fire and tell stories. Sometimes those stories were personal, sometimes they were made up or invented. Sometimes they were handed down from generation to generation. Stories were also sacred, told as part of a ritual for sacred events. Whether you know it or not, your brand has a story that you can leverage to create a connection with your audience. But how you tell that story is important. Here are 5 do's and don'ts for telling your brand story on social media. How to Tell Your Brand Story on Social Media 1. Know Your Story You can't tell a great story if you don't know what your story is. Your…
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