J is for Journal Daily to Practice Gratitude and Remain Grounded

Tips and Tools
The practice of journaling and gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. However, it’s easier said than done, and easier to keep as an abstract thought than it is to put into daily practice. When we practice gratitude daily and journal as part of our daily ritual, we can learn an improved way of appreciating life and developing better habits.   A Few Tips As You Begin Your Gratitude Journal Be thankful. Adopt a thankful attitude as the norm in your life, which will make keeping a gratitude journal much easier. Make it a rule to write a specific number of things you are thankful for on a daily basis. Try to avoid repeating the same things. You'll be challenging yourself to find new…
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I is for Ideas Take Sweat and Muscle to Come to Life

Tips and Tools
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. ~ Jesse Owens Ideas are like dreams, everyone has them. The question is, what are you going to do with them? Ideas are such a bountiful harvest for entrepreneurs, serving as a blessing and a curse. You see, many entrepreneurs come up with so many ideas on a regular basis, myself included. The problem is that so many focus on new ideas, and neglect that critical step that takes all the great ideas from conception to reality: EXECUTION. An idea is only as good as the execution, the sweat and muscle behind it! Think about it. How many times have you seen a product, or learned…
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D is for Dates and Deadlines

Tips and Tools
Dates and deadlines, two necessities in a hectic world. [caption id="attachment_3327" align="alignright" width="210"] Image Credit[/caption] As entrepreneurs, we need to schedule our time for everything, after all, there’s always something ELSE to be done. Do you schedule time to work on your blog, return client phone calls, and market your business, just as you schedule your kid’s doctor appointments and vacation time? I don’t mean theoretically schedule time, I mean use a calendar, pick a date, and block out enough time to get stuff done. Create deadlines for launching that new product, updating your website, or learning that new social media platform. Once you give a project a deadline, you can work backwards to create the action steps necessary for completion, and attach real dates to those action steps. That…
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A is for Accountability Systems

Tips and Tools
As entrepreneurs we often get so bogged down in minutia that we lose sight of our long-term goals. How do you keep yourself on track and accountable for your personal and professional goals? Do you have an accountability system in place? If not, I recommend you set up a weekly check-in plan, even if it’s with yourself. Post your long-term goals somewhere easily visible and make sure your daily activities support your long-term goals. Accountability partners are great for this as well. A friend, a spouse, or a colleague who you can share your plans with and who will give you honest feedback would be ideal. You don’t have to be too formal, but you have to put a system in place to make sure time doesn't get the best of…
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