How to Break the Monotony of the Marketing Hamster Wheel

Marketing has never been more powerful. Sure, it takes more creativity to be seen and it can be hard to make a lasting impression. But at the same time, there has never been a better time to find a direct or local audience, to apply a more cohesive marketing scheme across media formats and to do so at the press of a button.

Technology’s amazing forward progress that is causing almost all forms of daily marketing to change for the better. That being said, despite all of this progress, nothing, not even silicon valley, can prevent businesses from spinning their wheels. It’s very easy to feel as though today’s all-access marketing approach has caused you a lesser degree of potential. Or worse, so many options can lead you into habitual processes that may not be as worthwhile for you to take care of.

In the following post we hope to explore some of these marketing errors businesses from all over the world continually fall into, how to avoid falling into them yourself, and also how to fully gauge the success of whatever approach you do wish to take. So, what are these errors? See if you’re guilty of any of the following.

How to Break the Monotony of the Marketing Hamster Wheel

How to break the monotony of the marketing hamster wheel


It can be essential to repeat a marketing campaign. This is why repetitive, easy to understand marketing and advertising cycles exist. We hope that if someone sees our advertisement more than once it will start to stick, and that’s when we may cinch the sale. It’s why many businesses decide to implement more than one strategy regarding the medium they use to their advantage.

However, an over-repetition of your marketing can become quite irritating to a customer. This may in turn encourage them to actively skip your advertisements, zone out, or ignore them. When we see the same ads over and over again, we just tune out. This is true with online and with traditional media.

This is why a few recuts of a video advertisement, for example, can be so useful. One that may play on television, one that may get your point across in the five second window before the skip option is available on YouTube, or even filming two different variations on the same theme can at least spice things up a little. Additionally, do not keep your marketing campaign running for too long. There’s a moment where everyone gets the point, and hammering it home even further can have diminishing results for you and your brand respectively.

[Tweet “Are your marketing campaigns too repetitive? Try split testing the visuals, or recutting videos to break the monotony.”]

Using Irritation As A Tactic

You likely remember at least one or two irritating jingles from your childhood. Those you had heard on the television, or through the radio. You can likely think of some you’ve heard in the last five years. These earworms can stick with you, but do they guarantee you’re to use the business they promote? Not always.

Some companies believe that irritation as a tactic is the most brilliant invention since sliced bread. Unfortunately, it can often lead to people feeling quite put off what you have to show. Your products should speak for themselves, demonstrated through minimal marketing that is more impactful, informative marketing that directs an audience, or marketing that excites. It must be positive. Negativity often fails to work in this form, and so it’s important to consider you do not follow those faulty business footsteps.

[Tweet “Just because your ad has a jingle doesn’t mean I will buy the product. Some jingles are irritating and turn consumers off.”]

Only Working In-House

It is very common for brands, particularly intermediately sized businesses, to try and do everything in-house. They may have many departments set up, and so feel that they can design and publish their marketing in-house. They may utilize outsourced professionals to help them stock their ranks, but they may feel as though they can perfect the messaging, achieve the best graphic design through their own instruction, and commit to all of the photography of the product themselves.

This can be a mistake. It’s important that you keep in mind the need for an excellent marketing firm, especially one that can take your needs and reflect them in a less deliberate, more engaging manner. If you haven’t the expertise here, do not naively assume you can generate it overnight. Professional services will help you avoid the headache that is unpredictable or inconvenient marketing through and through. Perhaps more important, an outside firm has a more objective perspective, which often leads to better creative output.

[Tweet “Outsourcing your marketing efforts can bring a fresh perspective and a more objective approach for your next campaign!”]

Boring, Expected Strategies

Sometimes, the most egregious issues are marketing campaigns that bore. We’ve all seen an advertisement for almost any product that can be publicly sold by this point, and so we know the normal, easy markers. For example, when we see a sultry man and woman flirt with one another in black and white, we can easily guess the ad is for a fragrance. You do not want your marketing to be this blatant or predictable.  Try to do something different, something engaging, something that offers innovation in that marketing space. This way, you will avoid spinning your wheels, and instead launch a more innovative and thought provoking campaign.

[Tweet “Read how businesses routinely spin their marketing wheels, and learn how you can break free of the monotony.”]

With this advice, we hope you can apply more worthwhile marketing efforts. Your audience wants a wow factor!

Miss Kemya

Miss Kemya