
4 Ways to Boost Your Small Business with Content Marketing

Marketing Strategy
No matter how big or small your business might be, using content marketing can still make a big difference in your brand’s presence. If used well, content marketing can highly promote your business and boost your website traffic. How do we do this? First, let’s elaborate further on the what and why of content marketing. Then we discuss how to use it to boost business. Content marketing is the method of using content to advertise your business and educate your audience. It may include the use of high-quality videos, social media posts, and blogs to explain and showcase your products and services. The expertise of your business must be the topic and focus of the content so that your audience can develop interest and trust in your company. The basic requirement for…
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How to Embrace Your Fear as an Entrepreneur

How to Embrace Your Fear as an Entrepreneur

Tips and Tools
The new year is the natural start of new beginnings, and while we don’t all make resolutions, we do leap into the new year with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and fervor to make this THE year. Make this OUR YEAR. The year we finally get our shit together, stop procrastinating and making excuses, living in coulda, woulda, shoulda land. [Tweet "There is still time to make this your BEST YEAR! Embrace your fears and take action!"] Ahhhhh… has the smell of the New Year faded? Are you back to your old habits of big ideas, slow execution and even slower profitability? Fret not my dear, many an entrepreneur experiences this as spring rears her head each year. According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second…
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5 Ways to Improve Social Media Engagement

5 Ways to Improve Social Media Engagement

Social Media
What makes you read a blog post until the end? What makes you follow a brand on social media? Or, let's get to the holy grail, what makes you hand over your email to join someone's list? I'm going to guess it because you find the writer's content useful, informative and/or entertaining. Can we agree on this? When you create content to post on social media, are you writing for search engines, or trying to increase social media engagement? SEO is important to get eyeballs on your content. However, SEO alone doesn't translate to dollars. Content also needs to be engaging for your audience. Your website should be at the center of all your online marketing activities, which means the content you put on the website, and in other places,…
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Every Meeting You’ve Ever Been To In 2 Minutes [Video]

Every Meeting You’ve Ever Been To In 2 Minutes [Video]

Random Chats
Do you take meetings? In person or virtual, how many meetings do you take a day, a week, a month? Maybe a better question is, how much time do you waste in meetings?   Here's the thing, I love a good meeting. Whether working in person writing on whiteboards and eating a boxed lunch, or virtually with a national team working toward a common goal, nothing gets me fired up like a really productive meeting. However... too many meetings are a waste of time that you can't get back. You know the ones: they start late because people were too pre-occupied with watching cat videos to show up on time there are technical difficulties that make half of the meeting a "what did she say?" shit show the agenda and…
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How to Brand Yourself As A Problem Solver In Your Industry

How to Brand Yourself As A Problem Solver In Your Industry

What's the number one reason people seek help and hire a professional? They believe said professional can solve their problem. We hire people to solve problems. We buy products we believe can solve our problem. With this in mind, what do you want to be known for? I dunno about you, but I want to be known as a problem solver. A problem solver can have many names, particularly in this era of overused marketing terms. Guru. Expert. Thought Leader. All of these monikers relate to the same purpose: we're in the business of solving people's problems. There a number of effective ways to brand yourself as a problem solver in your niche without spending a fortune on marketing. No time to read the full post? Listen here on the…
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How to Get Your Current Network To Share Your Content Everyday

How to Get Your Current Network To Share Your Content Everyday

Social Media
When you experience terrible service, how often do you tell your friends? When you experience stellar service, how often do you tell your friends? According to current marketing wisdom, one unhappy customer will tell 7 other people about their bad experience with a product or business. A happy customer will only tell 1 other person about their great experience. How can you beat these odds to get more of your satisfied customers to spread the word about your products and services? Not time to read the full blog post? Listen on the podcast here: How to Get Your Current Network To Share Your Content Everyday The first way is to produce excellent content in a range of formats useful to the prospects in your niche, including: Articles Special reports on…
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3 Key Ways to Partner with Influencers in Your Niche

3 Key Ways to Partner with Influencers in Your Niche

Marketing Strategy
Many new business owners get so excited at the thought of starting their own profitable company online that they do not look before they leap. They come up with what they think is a great new idea. Then they try to sell it without doing any homework. This lack of prep includes doing the proper market research to figure out demand for their new idea. This research should also include finding out what customers in the niche are willing to pay for products. Other new business owners go to the opposite extreme. They steer clear of certain top-earning niches because they think there is too much competition. Have you fallen into either one of these camps on your entrepreneurial journey? I'm a planner and researcher by nature so I'll typically fall into…
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Top Marketing Trends for Small Businesses in 2017

Top Marketing Trends for Small Businesses in 2017

Marketing Strategy
Happy New Year! Did you enjoy your holidays? Good! Now that you've recovered from your holiday fun, it's time to take a deep breath and get ready for a strong year with plenty of success. As anyone in marketing can tell you, yearly success is dependent on having your pulse on the latest trends. What worked last week or last month or last year isn't going to get it done. At best, it's a quick way to tread water instead of being innovative. For marketers, it's the lifeblood of their work. Anyone doesn't do their research is bound to fail, and hurt their company in the process. In short, get your resume ready if you decide to take a long mental vacation to start the year. A smart marketing executive…
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