Recently I have either spoken with or read about business owners that are suspending their businesses or feel like they’re in a rut. Why are you in a rut?
Are you in a rut because you’re spending so much time marketing on social media, and you’re not getting sales? Hmmm… have you learned how to create and execute a social media strategy? Random posting does not constitute a social media strategy. And relying solely on social media does not equate to a marketing plan for most businesses. {PS – I can help with that}
Are you in a rut because you’re pouring money into shiny marketing collateral and your fancy website and not getting sales? So many business owners spend too much money on the pretty shiny objects and disregard the sales process. As if having a pretty brochure and a pretty website is all you need to get sales – NOT! {PS – I can help with that}
Are you in a rut because you’re constantly attending networking events and not getting sales? Attending a slew of networking events sounds like you’re doing a ton of marketing – YOU ARE NOT! {PS – I can help with that}
Are you in a rut because you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to perform every task in your business by yourself? EVERYONE needs a team to build a successful business. Evaluate your strengths and hire someone to handle the tasks that are your weaknesses. {PS – I can help with that}
Here’s my proposition to you: get over yourself! If you want to be an entrepreneur you have to invest money, time, sweat equity, and exercise patience to develop a profitable business.
So consider this your kick in the pants: decide whether or not you truly have the courage, skills, drive, and determination necessary to be an entrepreneur. I didn’t say “want”, because there are plenty of people who want to run their own business that actually have no business doing so. Are you one of them? Or do you have what it takes to build a profitable, successful venture?
I enjoyed reading this article that identifies characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Take a read, look yourself in the mirror, pull yourself out of your rut, and push your business to SUCCESS!
Miss Kemya
NEEDED this “kick”! 😉
I know you did, along with a bunch of us! I hope this post gets you fired up!