What Leads To Better Online Customer Conversion?

When it comes to digital marketing, a lot of people tend to focus on reaching as many people as possible and getting as many clicks on the site as you can. However, without thinking about what happens after they land on your site, you can end up losing all of those people who click before they have a chance to convert. Here, we’re going to look at what you can do to improve conversions through your site.

What Leads To Better Online Customer Conversion?

what leads to better online customer conversion


Good website design is crucial.

First of all, you have to think about the main tool that leads to conversion. If someone is clicking a link to your site or an advertisement, you have to make sure the website is well designed enough to hold their interest. A better-designed website will have easy to follow navigation, well-parsed, and formatted content, and will be visually engaging enough to make them want to stick around. If it has been a few years since you updated the look and structure of your site, it might be time to invest into it again.

You need great organic marketing.

Aside from thinking about what they see when they get on the site, you should also be thinking about how you lead them there. Organic marketing, such as content marketing and search engine marketing, is key. However, if you focus on poor tactics like keyword stuffing without thinking about the way that your SEO connects to your site, the disconnect that the visitor experiences can be profound. Services like TopSEOs can make sure you’re using SEO that’s built around improving conversion, not just clicks.

Make sure they land in the right place.

Whether it’s through SEO, advertising, or other methods, you don’t want your visitors to click on a link, only to be confused about where they end up. For instance, if they click a link talking about business bookkeeping, they should be on a page dedicated to that topic, not a wider page about accounting services in general. Design landing pages that are specific and focused on the topic of your advertising posts and SEO efforts. You want to make as few barriers between the visitor and the point of conversion as possible.

Focus on building leads.

Not every customer is going to convert on their first visit and that’s okay. What’s not okay is when you let potential customers with a real interest slip through your fingers. With tools like Leadformly, you can use data capture forms to grab those leads. This way, you can get in touch with them again in the future, whether through the phone or email, to help nurture those leads a little further down the path towards conversion. Be willing to play the long game, especially if your overall lifetime value is higher than just a purchase or two.

While stats like clickthrough rate and traffic do matter, don’t let them be the only thing you focus on. See how effective your marketing methods are at leading to conversion, to sales. That’s where the real value lies.

Miss Kemya

Miss Kemya