How to Use Social Media to Build Your Credibility

How to Use Social Media to Build Your Credibility

Social Media
Do you have visions of building a loyal community of social media fans? Do you want to sit behind your laptop and build a virtual empire? Have you figured out how to go about using social media to prove you know your stuff? That you're an expert in your field? Social media is an incredibly powerful marketing tool that can help you to reach a potentially unlimited number of people with the very minimum investment in terms of time, money and effort. While social media might be incredibly powerful, it's still only going to be as good as the strategy you have in place. If you haven't first established yourself as a credible authority then you'll find that everything you do falls on deaf ears.   How to Use Social Media to…
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3 Tricks To Ruin Your “No Time To Blog” Excuse

3 Tricks To Ruin Your “No Time To Blog” Excuse

We've reached part three in our impromptu "get to blogging" series. You know why you should blog and you’ve learned a few tips to help build your blogging strategy. Now, here’s the million dollar concern that even I’ve voiced a zillion times: “I don’t have time to blog!” Ok, now I understand that’s just nonsense, but it took me a while to realize it. So before you go on a tirade about this being yet another thing you have to add to your schedule, here’s some quick tips to make sure you have time to blog. Write for 30 minutes a day. I cannot take credit for this tip. I credit the lovely Ann Evanston for giving me this idea when I participated in her accountability writing challenge. So here’s the rule:…
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Develop Your Blogging Strategy

Develop Your Blogging Strategy

Blogging requires a strategy. A strategy of “post an article and they will come” doesn't work. Do you realize how crowded the web is? Of course you do! Whether you're new to blogging, a sporadic blogger, or you’re still on the fence about it, here are a few tips to help you start developing your blogging strategy: A 4 Step Plan to Develop Your Blogging Strategy Design: There are several blogging platforms (Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogspot, etc.) and there are differences among the options, so take a look and decide which is right for you. If you’re going to choose one of the free themes offered with your chosen platform, please please please do not use the theme as-is. Nothing says “newbie” or "hobbyist" more than using a standard template theme.…
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3 Reasons to Blog For Business

3 Reasons to Blog For Business

You’ve heard this a hundred times already. Well, I’m telling you again, blogging is a great way to build your brand and demonstrate you  expertise, in your own words. In order maintain a successful blog, you have to build a following and keep your readers engaged, so make a plan to build momentum. For all you non-believers and sporadic bloggers, here are 3 reasons to blog for business, not personal discussions, not family pics, we’re talking blogging for business: Traditional website content is static. Think about this: If you visit a company’s website and they don’t have a blog or dynamic content, how often do you revisit that website? Want to know why you don’t visit that site often? It’s because website content is traditionally static, if you’ve seen it…
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