How to Stop Over Tweaking Your Product (and Launch Already)

How to Stop Over Tweaking Your Product (and Launch Already)

Marketing Strategy
You’ve created a product. You love it and you think your community will, too. You even plan on launching it…as soon as you tweak it one more time. The problem is one tweak turns into two then three. Before you know it, weeks have passed and you haven’t launched. Instead, you’ve wasted time going over and over the same project. Does this feel familiar? If so, don’t keep falling into this trap. Instead, follow these tips to stop over thinking your project and actually get it launched. How to Stop Over Tweaking Your Product (and Launch Already) No time to read the full post? Listen to it on the podcast: Get Clear on the Scope A project that’s too general can sometimes be the cause of over tweaking. For example,…
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Failure to Launch: What’s Holding You Back?

Failure to Launch: What’s Holding You Back?

Marketing Strategy
Amanda had several e-books, smart reports, and e-courses sitting on her hard drive. Each project was “almost” ready to launch. She would go to networking conferences and attend webinars. She would tell the other attendees about her projects and she even had several people interested in them. But a year later, she was still in the EXACT same place. She never launched anything. Maybe you can relate to Amanda. You have a hard drive filled with projects you haven’t launched. You’re an awesome dreamer, creator, and doer. But you’re still not putting yourself out there. You’re hiding your best work from the world and it’s time for a change. To start launching your products, you first have to understand what’s been holding you back. Here are the most common reasons why…
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