Some people seem to have a natural knack for using social media for business, while some people can’t seem to get comfortable with it. But no matter how many articles are written and reviewed on the subject, some people are still apprehensive when sharing content on social media. Are you one of those people that are still intimidated? I might know why: no one told you about the secret sauce!
Yes, the secret sauce. I’m about to share one of the most obvious, elusive secrets to sharing social media content. It doesn’t matter which platform you’re using, this secret applies to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, you name it. *drumroll please*
The secret sauce to using social media for business is a big ol K.I.S.S.
Step back to move forward
Let’s take a step back, before social media, before the internet, back when the only socialization occurred via phone, pigeon carrier, and face to face conversation. People have always done business with people they know, like and trust. People they can relate to.
This simple concept has remained the same, even with all our technological innovations.
Are you adding your personality into your social media activity? So many people stick to the script and share content in a rather uninteresting way. They don’t add their own spin to the content to make it more interesting, to make me want to read and react to it.
Let’s blow the lid off the “stale spin cycle” once and for all!
When using social media for business, you have to infuse some oomph, some razzle dazzle into your posts. We’ll use basic content sharing as an example: if you share business articles, what will set your posts apart from your competitor? We can all find the same articles with a keyword search can’t we? What will make me read your link versus someone else’s link? It’s all in the sauce my friend.
Let’s illustrate the “secret sauce” with a couple of real examples.
Example No. 1
Which tweet would you pay more attention to from me as a Marketing Strategist – Post A or Post B?
A. {if you’re on LI, bookmark this} 6 Tips For Mastering Your New LinkedIn Profile:
B. 6 Tips For Mastering Your New LinkedIn Profile:
Example No. 2
Let’s use another example, this one is a Facebook post. Which post draws your interest more – Post A or Post B?
A. Preparing for a week of networking and new connections? First impressions are everything, prepare to be memorable!
B. 5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression:
In each example, the links point to the same article. But instead of simply using the title of the article as the header (“B” in both examples), I gave you my take on the article, aka my razzle dazzle, in “A” for both examples.
In each “A” I’m giving you a reason why I think the article is worth reading. This is why my post of this article will differ from another person’s post of the article.
These examples are very basic, but I hope they give you an idea of how to add your own spin when sharing content. There are many ways you can show your personality on social media, from saying good morning to sharing a pic of an amazing lunch you had at a trendy restaurant. You have to strike a balance, but don’t be afraid to experiment.
If you use a K.I.S.S. and add a spoonful of secret sauce to your social media recipe, you’ll have a better chance of distinguishing yourself from your competition.
Miss Kemya
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smallbizatlanta Thanks Ashley, and I look forward to seeing some extra sauce on your tweets!And yes you may alter K.I.S.S. – whatever works, just go for it!
Great post Kemya! I must admit I do this on my FB pages but not so much on Twitter. I’m gonna have to add s lil’ spice to my twitter sauce thanks to you! Can I alter K.I.S.S to mean Keep it Simple Silly? Just thought I’d ask 🙂