5 Rules Of Spending More To Earn More

5 Rules Of Spending More To Earn More

Tips and Tools
It’s a golden rule of business: You can’t grow if you don’t invest. However, for many self employed experts and small businesses, working with a limited budget can make investment strategies confusing and challenging. AT first thought, investing more into your business could seem counterproductive. But don’t dismiss investing for growth just yet. If you’re going to invest in your business and see a return on your investment, you need to be able to answer one question: What benefits will you get from the investment? This is not as easy to answer as it sounds. After all, business investments don't offer as linear a return as some might think. So spending $1 could return $1, but it could also return 50 cents or $5. It's not a 1:1, or dollar…
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How to Use Podcast Guesting as Free Marketing

How to Use Podcast Guesting as Free Marketing

Tips and Tools
Podcasts have exploded in popularity in recent years and their popularity is only growing. There are thousands of shows covering every possible topic, and podcast listeners are one of the most engaged audiences you can find. Podcasts offer a great way for people to learn something new on-the-go while commuting to work, doing the dishes, exercising, and going about their daily lives. Appearing as a guest on podcasts, ie podcast guesting, is a great marketing strategy that doesn’t cost anything at all. How to Use Podcast Guesting as Free Marketing   Why You Should Be a Podcast Guest Appearing as a guest on a podcast exposes you to a whole new audience of people who could potentially become your customers. You’re getting direct access to a group of engaged listeners…
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How Different Industries Are Using Technology To Help Them Grow

How Different Industries Are Using Technology To Help Them Grow

Tips and Tools
Technology has been growing in all industries around the world for a while now, and with the uprising of technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), it won’t be slowing down any time soon. The great thing is, that technology can be an efficient and effective way to help you grow your business. It can: automate processes provide your business with valuable data and insights analyze information in real-time help you to create more informed strategies help you to identify market changes adapt better to the changes in the economy increase your efficiency of your workforce help you to understand your customers and reach more of your audience, and much more. Technology can also be an excellent way to help reduce risks, costs, and errors within your business, saving you a lot of…
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Navigating the Startup Journey with Limited Resources

Navigating the Startup Journey with Limited Resources

Tips and Tools
Venturing into a new startup is an act of courage, filled with enticing opportunities and built-in challenges. The significance of being inventive and the necessity for comprehensive planning become even more critical when operating on a shoestring budget. Achieving success requires harnessing creativity, the ability to adjust on the fly, and dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation. Equipped with a clear direction and a devoted team, you'll be able to move your business forward while staying profitable. Navigating the Startup Journey with Limited Resources Laying the Right Foundation for Your Startup A successful startup begins with a strong foundation. While operating with limited resources might seem like an obstacle, it can actually push you to be even more focused and strategic right out of the gate. Here are two…
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Why You Have To Hire People To Make More Money

Why You Have To Hire People To Make More Money

Tips and Tools
Have you ever looked up at the end of the day and wondered to yourself, what did I do all day? Between responding to emails, posting on social media, researching, following up with a prospective client, taking phone calls, and keeping your coffee cup full, the day is over and you haven't tackled half of your to-do list. And you still need to generate revenue today. Uh oh... it's going to be a long night. As you sit there running your biz on the solo, you know there has to be a better way. There are only so many hours in the day and you can't possibly get everything done, no matter how many hours you work. So then we have internal conversations. If we could only: stop wasting time…
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Why Is Your Business In A Rut?

Why Is Your Business In A Rut?

Tips and Tools
Recently I have either spoken with or read about business owners that are suspending their businesses or feel like they’re in a rut. Why are you in a rut? Are you in a rut because you’re spending so much time marketing on social media, and you’re not getting sales? Hmmm... have you learned how to create and execute a social media strategy? Random posting does not constitute a social media strategy. And relying solely on social media does not equate to a marketing plan for most businesses. {PS - I can help with that} Are you in a rut because you’re pouring money into shiny marketing collateral and your fancy website and not getting sales? So many business owners spend too much money on the pretty shiny objects and disregard the sales process. As if having a pretty brochure…
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Setting Financial Goals: A Path to Solopreneur Success

Setting Financial Goals: A Path to Solopreneur Success

Tips and Tools
The path to solopreneur success is filled with potholes and detours. Finding the perfect balance and achieving financial goals takes dedication and a few key factors. Those who win at the game often have a specific set of traits — all of which you can develop. Setting solopreneur financial goals is your first stage of making a living so you can continue working for yourself rather than a corporation. Setting Financial Goals: A Path to Solopreneur Success 1. Know the Statistics Understanding the facts is one of the best ways to prepare and set realistic solopreneur financial goals. The Small Business Administration estimates there are 33.3 million small businesses in the country. Not all of them are your direct competitors, but millions of entrepreneurs are vying for the attention of…
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Driving Your Business On A Smoother Road To Success

Driving Your Business On A Smoother Road To Success

Tips and Tools
When managing a modern business, sustainable profit is the desired destination. While this might be the priority, it’s equally important to create a smooth journey. After all, the whole point of launching a company is to build a better quality of life. It is hard to do that when you are constantly burdened by high stress levels. Focus on the five simple steps below, and the road to success beyond mere profitability will open up. Driving Your Business On A Smoother Road To Success Know your objectives. As already stated, we know that profitability is a key barometer to measure success. Goal-setting is essential for any business, not least because it provides direction and motivation. However, you need to look beyond SMART goals and consider your personal objectives. Whether it’s…
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