Copy, Calls to Action, and 17 Things You Need to Test Regularly

Copy, Calls to Action, and 17 Things You Need to Test Regularly

Tips and Tools
The entire point of copywriting is to boost sales. Let's be honest here. Even if you write copy with the goal of getting more newsletter sign-ups, the entire point is still to boost sales. But, how do you know if what you're doing is working? You're writing, and hiring, and writing some more - but do you even know if all the work you're doing is paying off? The best way to know is to test, test, test. Here's a list of things you need to test regularly. Copy, Calls to Action, and 17 Things You Need to Test Regularly 1. Your Headlines How do you know a particular headline works over another? You conduct an A/B test. Make two slightly different headlines and send each headline to half your…
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Overnight Success Does Not Exist, and Luck Ain’t Coming to Dinner

Tips and Tools
Rarely do I write a blog post because I am compelled to share a message in the here and now. If I am moved to speak on a topic immediately, I typically share a message in 140 (or perhaps 280) characters via a tweet or two, or I take to Facebook to post. And move on. However, this message from GaryVee is too powerful to simply share on Twitter or Facebook, to let dangle in the wind for 15 minutes before disappearing. I'm posting this for you and me, for when we need a reminder about why we do this thing called entrepreneurship. How this post came about Sooo, I was looking for something to listen to while I worked today, I guess I unconsciously needed a kick in the pants?? I started skimming social…
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Be Mindful of Using Technology for Increased Happiness

Be Mindful of Using Technology for Increased Happiness

Tips and Tools
We live in an online world more often than not. We have so much technology now that’s supposed to streamline our lives and make it easier to connect with the people that we care about. It’s supposed to make it easier to do business and make good things happen for our careers. But is technology as helpful as we think it is? Or is it doing us more harm than good? The technology that was supposed to be the key to our happiness, comfort and success has the potential to backfire. Instead of helping, in many cases, the use of technology has led people to deeper levels of stress, feelings of discontentment and lives so busy that they’re hardly living at all. Studies performed on the link between stress and…
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How to Build Unstoppable Confidence

How to Build Unstoppable Confidence

Tips and Tools
Confidence. Many of us long to be more outgoing, more secure within ourselves and simply more confident all around. If you currently don’t perceive yourself as a confident person or wish to develop more confidence, you’ll be pleased to learn that you can build unstoppable confidence with a few key tips. Here are my top tips to help you build unstoppable confidence: Start Small. Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day, you can’t expect to instantly change your confidence levels. By taking small, daily steps towards your goal, however, you will undoubtedly start to see a difference. Set a goal of completing one confidence-boosting exercise everyday. It can be to simply say hello to the stranger standing next to you at the checkout line or smiling at someone on the street.…
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Outsourcing Work: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Outsourcing Work: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Tips and Tools
As a business owner, you typically want to spend the most time on activities that add to your bottom line. This should be true no matter what stage of business you're in.  However, this is not necessarily the reality of many small business owners. Are you outsourcing work yet? There will come a time when you feel the pinch of not having enough time in the day. You may be busy, but time spent on productive activities may be slipping away from. At this point, if you want to maximize your output and thus increase your profit, then there are two ways to go about it. One way is to take on more work, and to put yourself or your business under an increasing amount of strain. The other is by outsourcing work.…
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3 Common Reasons Why People Procrastinate

3 Common Reasons Why People Procrastinate

Tips and Tools
There can be several reasons why people procrastinate. Some people procrastinate without realizing that they are already doing it, while others are well aware yet do not take any course of action to stop it. We’ll be checking on some of the most common reasons as to why people end up procrastinating rather than doing tasks the way they should be. 3 Common Reason Why People Procrastinate Reason Number 1: The Immense Fear Of Failure There are individuals that treat failure as a stepping stone towards learning and ultimately success in life. Others, on the other hand have a different viewpoint on failure. It seems that failure has a devastating effect on most people, making them fall through the cracks and causing them to procrastinate instead. For a procrastinator, failure…
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Finding an Online Community for Women in Business

Finding an Online Community for Women in Business

Tips and Tools
As a businesswoman, it's very important to have a good support network.  You need fellow business women to share experiences and tips with.  You need women who are in related fields to ask questions and get feedback.  The sense of community provided by a group of business women can help see you through the tough times. But finding a group in your area isn't always practical.  Maybe there are networking groups that you could join, but they might meet at times that are not convenient for you.  Or if you're not in a metropolitan area, there may not be any groups that are especially for women in your area.  That doesn't mean that you're left out in the cold, though.   Finding An Online Community for Women In Business There…
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How to Increase Your Productivity When You Create Your Own Schedule

Tips and Tools
Time management is one of the biggest challenges today's workers face, no matter the job or industry. New technologies have given us more freedom to have flexible schedules, while at the same time providing many more opportunities to slack off. How are we supposed to be more productive at work when our phones are constantly pinging with the latest social media updates and those never ending emails seem to ding a notification every minute? These constant interruptions create even greater challenges for people who work from home, especially entrepreneurs who don’t have to technically ‘report in’ to anyone at a set time. Here are a few tips you can use to get yourself on track to be more productive at work, at home. [Tweet "Learn a few productivity tips to help you…
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