You’ve heard this a hundred times already. Well, I’m telling you again, blogging is a great way to build your brand and demonstrate you expertise, in your own words. In order maintain a successful blog, you have to build a following and keep your readers engaged, so make a plan to build momentum. For all you non-believers and sporadic bloggers, here are 3 reasons to blog for business, not personal discussions, not family pics, we’re talking blogging for business:
Traditional website content is static. Think about this: If you visit a company’s website and they don’t have a blog or dynamic content, how often do you revisit that website? Want to know why you don’t visit that site often? It’s because website content is traditionally static, if you’ve seen it once, why would you keep going back? Note: if you’re not tech-savvy, it’s much easier (and less expensive) to keep up a blog than it is to update an html website.
Blogging is 2-way conversation. This means your audience can communicate with you directly on your blog via comments and sharing. Traditional websites are one way conversations: you talk, and your audience listens. But they can’t comment or “engage” with the company. Engagement is the name of the game today!
Business blogs offer you an excellent way to show your expertise and share knowledge and resources. What better way to engage with your target market? You’re essentially selling your qualifications to your audience. For example, upon reading my blog content, you can understand my personality, my niche, and my target audience. This is an excellent tool for consultants to share their knowledge and level of expertise.
Did you know blogging also substantially increases your SEO rankings? Once I learned just how significant blogging can be to your overall marketing strategy from an SEO standpoint, I knew I had to start blogging!
Blogging is an investment of your time and resources, and should be considered an integral part of your marketing strategy. It’s inexpensive to start on any number of blogging platforms available today, and that’s why I encourage business owners to set up an active blog for their business.
However, you have to work at blogging just like you would any other tactic to build a following and generate interest. You can’t post an article once a month and expect your site traffic to increase ten-fold. Don’t get into blogging thinking your content will be miraculously found by your target audience.
Blogging requires a strategy to drive traffic, subscribers, and actively engaged readers. However, with forethought and dedication, your blog can develop into a valuable tool and asset to your business.
Next, read Part 2 of 3 in the series: “Develop Your Blogging Strategy“
Miss Kemya
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