To pin or not pin, that is the business question…
Welcome to the latest platform to make headlines, the wonderful world of Pinterest! It seems like everyone’s talking about it, and it seems as though everyone is pinning. It’s the latest and greatest social media tool, and this virtual pinboard social site is absolutely stunning.
But wait a sec… hit snooze on the hype button for just a moment. Do you have to join Pinterest for your business?
Oh my gosh look how fast it’s growing. I better get to pinning or I’ll get left behind.
When do I have time to pin? I can hardly keep up with my other social media sites.
What am I supposed to pin? How will this grow my business?
I know it’s the fast growing platform of late, I know it’s all the rage, and it’s fun, I get it. But is Pinterest right for your business? And should you focus any of your already limited social media time on Pinterest, at the expense of your other social media accounts? Hmmm…
If you’ve already made the decision to get pinning, take a look at my post A Handful of Creative Ways to Use Pinterest for Business so you can form a pinning strategy to optimize your pins and produce measurable results.
If you’re a regular here you know I’m one for time management and not jumping on a bandwagon. Pinterest for personal use is absolutely genius and invaluable (why couldn’t I come up with this idea??)
However, Pinterest isn’t necessarily great for every business. I saw this great infographic that I think sums up the question: to pin or not to pin for business? So for those of you wondering whether you should join Pinterest for your business, this will be a lifeline. Take a look and let me know what you think!
Now that you have some clarity, what are your thoughts? Will Pinterest help your business?
If you’re interested in creating a company Pinterest page, you may want to take a look at this article
- 10 Questions to Ask When Creating Your Company’s Pinterest Page via Entrepreneur Magazine.
If you already have some ideas and you’re ready to rock and roll, in the words of Pinterest, Happy Pinning!
Miss Kemya
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