5 Factors To Consider Before You Pay For A Professional Membership

5 Factors To Consider Before You Pay For A Professional Membership

We’ve spent a little time talking about professional memberships. In the first post, we talked about building your network with professional memberships. Next, we detailed five easy ways to maximize your membership dollars. What’s left? We need to tackle the most critical question of all: how to decide which professional organizations to join You may use these 5 factors as a starting point. 5 Factors To Consider Before You Pay For A Professional Membership Membership Base Who are the members? Are you looking to get exposure to your target market, vendors, and/or competitors? Do the members constitute your audience? Are they your peers, potential affiliates or partners, or a general mix of professionals? Is the membership with a local chapter of a national organization? Is it exclusively local or simply…
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Build Your Network With Professional Memberships

Membership in professional organizations offer a HUGE opportunity to network and build connections. Yes, you most likely pay a membership fee, but this is a necessary marketing expense as you build your business. When researching organizations to join, think about the benefits you will receive from your membership. Sure, lots of organizations host monthly meetings, and in theory these are great networking opportunities. Uh oh, wait for it… I said "in theory" and here’s why: If you’re a member of an organization that hosts regularly scheduled live programming, you most likely need to arrive early or stay late to network. Does your schedule allow for this extra time, and are your fellow members hanging around as well? This is a big consideration as you use your limited resource of time.…
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