Overnight Success Does Not Exist, and Luck Ain’t Coming to Dinner

Overnight Success Does Not Exist, and Luck Ain’t Coming to Dinner

Tips and Tools
Rarely do I write a blog post because I am compelled to share a message in the here and now. If I am moved to speak on a topic immediately, I typically share a message in 140 (or perhaps 280) characters via a tweet or two, or I take to Facebook to post. And move on. However, this message from GaryVee is too powerful to simply share on Twitter or Facebook, to let dangle in the wind for 15 minutes before disappearing. I'm posting this for you and me, for when we need a reminder about why we do this thing called entrepreneurship. How this post came about Sooo, I was looking for something to listen to while I worked today, I guess I unconsciously needed a kick in the pants?? I started skimming social…
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