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The Art of Storytelling with Social Media Stories

Storytelling has always been popular, particularly when it comes to marketing. However, stories have emerged as an amazing strategy to use as a part of your social media marketing. If you want to attract more business with social media stories, incorporate more visuals, interact with your target market, and meet your business goals you’re about to learn how.

The Attraction of Social Media Stories

Are you having trouble figuring out why your audience is so intrigued with the more visual “social media story” sites and apps? Does it just seem like a bunch of images without much info, to you?

You are not alone! Here is a brief rundown of what many audiences like about social media stories, in addition to valuable information.

I know you’re excited and ready to get started. Let’s begin by going over the basics of traditional storytelling.

No time to read the full post? Listen to it on the Marketing Minutes with Miss Kemya podcast.

The Art of Storytelling with Social Media Stories

While you may be familiar with telling your story using words, when it comes to social media “stories,” you may feel a little confused at first. It happens to most of us, until we get that “lightbulb moment” when we realize the term “social media stories” doesn’t refer to traditional, written stories.

These “stories” are based on visuals – images, stickers, drawings, videos, etc. Words still play an important part in social media stories; but, the focus is on the images and engagement.

[Tweet “Use social media stories to attract more business, interact with your target market, and meet your goals.”]

Telling Business Stories

You want your story to be unique and compelling to help you stand out from your competitors. The story and visuals should also be relevant to the story and appeal to your target audience on multiple levels. In short, viewers should be so interested and emotionally motivated that they immediately take the action you suggest.

Begin by telling an interesting, emotion-packed story of how your company was founded. Be sure to mention how your values and goals fit into the business. The more you have in common with your target market, the easier it will be to attract their attention, earn their respect, and gain their trust. This enables you to connect with your niche audience on a deeper level.

The key to fostering deeper connection hinges on knowing your audience very well. In particular, you want to show them that you are “one of them.” Show the audience what you have in common with them, how you understand their values, identify with their emotional motivations, and support similar causes, which are near and dear to your hearts. This helps them to see your business as an extension of you, the person.

[Tweet “The key to making a deeper connection via storytelling? Show your audience you are one of them.”]

Products and services also have stories. In general, you want to tell the background story of how and why you created a product or service. You also want to share info about the problems it solves, as well as how it benefits your audience.

Your storytelling doesn’t stop there. You can tell stories about anything that is on topic and is relevant to your audience. However, you also want to use social media stories to help you meet your business goals, which likely include brand building, revenue generation, and/or list building.

Try to incorporate as many of these elements and strategies as possible in your social media stories. Next, let’s go over why and how you can accomplish all of this with visually appealing social media stories, aimed directly at your target market.


Meet Your Business Goals and Benefit With Social Media Stories

Social media stories can benefit every type of business, regardless of the niche or the age-range of the target market. This is partially because images and videos have such a wide appeal across the board.

While social media stories can benefit your business in multiple ways, the top-3 social media benefits, reported by marketers in the 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report by Social Media Examiner, were increased exposure, traffic, and generated leads. In addition, the report verifies that Facebook and Instagram are firmly leading the social media pack with these 5000 plus marketers.

Brand Building Stories

If one of your business goals is to increase brand awareness via social media stories, here are a few things to keep in mind as you create your brand building stories.


Revenue Generating Stories

When you create stories for the goal of generating revenue, it’s important that your visuals and words grab the viewer’s attention. However, unless the story has highly compelling elements and linked calls-to-action, your efforts won’t be very effective.

Here are a few ideas and tips to consider as you create your story.

Engagement and List Building Stories

As you design and create stories that prompt viewers to sign up for your mailing list, keep these tips and ideas in mind.


Regardless of which social-media story platform you use, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with all of the tools. Each tool provides a way to make your stories attractive to your target audience. However, make sure that you know your audience well, since you’ll need to use the tools that make the most impact with your people. Test and track the results of each story to discover what works best for everyone involved.

Miss Kemya

Do you want to transform your stories into brand building sales machines?
Download the FREE workbook here!

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