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Your Employees Can Be Assets To Your Marketing Efforts

When you think about marketing, you probably think about social media posts, Google Adwords campaigns, billboards, and all of the usual stuff. Chances are you rarely give a second thought to your staff…but you really should. Your employees can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to effectively marketing your business.

Your staff are ambassadors for your brand – they are the people at the front and center of everything you do and are typically the first people your customers will interact with at any given time, so it stands to reason that they can, and should, play a key part in your marketing strategy – here’s how…

Your Employees Can Be Assets To Your Marketing Efforts


Excellent Customer Service

You might not immediately link customer service with marketing, but they really are inextricably linked. After all, one of the most effective forms of marketing is word of mouth marketing. If your employees are able to treat customers really well, this will be reflected in good reviews online and more word of mouth recommendations to friends and family members.

That’s why it is absolutely vital that you invest in good customer service training, and ensure that all of your employees are happy and on the same page. You want staff to be a delight for your customers to deal with, instead of being grumpy, unhelpful, and disinterested. This is something that can so easily happen when employees aren’t happy.

If your employees are able to treat customers really well, this will be reflected in good reviews online and more word of mouth recommendations to friends and family members. Click To Tweet

Social Media Exposure

Having your employees be ambassadors for your brand by posting about you online is a great way to increase social media engagement. Whether you have them post candid shots of themselves, happily working away in the office, or get them to pose with the latest products you’re looking to sell, there is so much they can do to get your company noticed on the internet.

The more people who are on the same page posting about your business in a positive way, the more people you’re going to reach. This in turn, means more potential customers are going to take notice of your business.

Actions you can encourage your employees to take online include:

Basically, anything you can do to get your business out there via your employees is something worth doing. That is, if you want to improve your online marketing without spending a whole lot of money.

What are some actions you can encourage your employees to take online to support your marketing efforts? Click To Tweet


New Ideas

Often, as a business owner, you think you know best about every aspect of your company and how it should be operating. But the fact is, you are not infallible, and you can get things wrong. Or you may miss certain opportunities. That’s why, especially when it comes to marketing, it is always worth asking your employees if they have any ideas.

After all, your employees work on the frontline of your business, which means they really do have a lot of knowledge about the products and services you offer, as well as the people who buy them. They may have some unique insights that you don’t, and they may just hit upon a great new way to market your stuff.

This is why you should always have a suggestion box available and encourage employees to use it – maybe even offer a bonus for any employee who hits upon a great new way to market the company. It’s always worth a try.

Your staff may have some unique insights that you don’t, and they may just hit upon a great new way to market your products and services. Click To Tweet

Employee Guest Posts

A big part of marketing in 2020 is content writing. It can be difficult to find a good content writer who really understands your business, and is able to write about it in a natural and compelling way. It may be worth seeing if any of your employees are up for the challenge.

Obviously, not everyone is a naturally talented writer. But many people can write well when they know the subject inside out, and this means your staff can be a well suited to writing. By allowing staff who are able to do this to create guest posts that can be submitted around the web, you could do a lot of good content marketing!

The great thing about doing this is that every employee will have a different specialty, and a slightly different perspective on the business. You could potentially get a whole lot of content out of your employees, and you may find that they actually love being able to be creative in this way.

Obviously, you can’t expect staff generated content to be always 100 percent perfect, but if it’s informative, engaging, and persuasive, it really doesn’t need to be perfect. You can always employ someone to do some light editing if necessary too.

Volunteerism and Doing Good Deeds

One of the best ways to use your employees as part of your marketing strategy is to enable them to volunteer to do good deeds in the community. Customers love to support brands who give back and do good for others. By enabling your staff to bake cookies in aid of a cancer charity or do a 5k to raise funds for the local animal shelter; you can raise your profile in the best possible way. All the while helping out and giving your employees something meaningful that they can be proud of in their working life.

Incidentally, if you’re wondering ‘how do you engage a remote workforce?’ this is a great way to do it. Helping others is good for the soul, and it is undoubtedly good for business too, so why not see what you can do?

The Bottom Line

Your employees are marketing powerhouses. If you give them the training and tools they need, and you look after them well so that they are passionate about your business and all it entails, they will get out there and do much of your work for you.

They will ensure your customers are happy, sing your business’ praises on social media and take up many of the marketing tasks you may otherwise have had to outsource. Look after your employees!

Miss Kemya

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