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It’s Time to Let Go of the Rotary Phone School of Marketing

Do you reach your audience using a
rotary phone or a smart phone?

I’m going to take a wild guess and choose smart phone!

The way we can market our businesses have changed, much like the phones we use. We reach and interact with our customers in a whole new way, and that’s both exciting and a nuisance at the same time!

Customers are using their smart phones and social media channels to search and learn more about our businesses, and I’m betting they aren’t looking in their local phone book.


So how does this impact your marketing?

Social media is part of daily life, and it’s especially an integral part of the way we market our businesses today, like it or not. People are online searching for their product and service to buy, and you need to make sure you’re in the room, ready and available to be a part of the conversation.

Since the web never sleeps, your online presence needs to be dynamic!

All your profiles need to be current with regular status updates, your website links need to be active, and your blog should have fresh content. Is this a ton of work? You bet it is! It can be a nuisance at times. I see you nodding in agreement, and yes, I’m nodding with you.

However, many entrepreneurs are still on the fence with fully embracing social media as a part of the marketing puzzle. I know, silly right?

If you had your kid, cousin, or some other random person set up your social media profiles and post random content, I’m talking to you.

If you’re using social media without a plan, a strategy, and some level of consistency, I implore you to reconsider your approach.

You have to get serious about your marketing and communications. Don’t leave your digital brand to chance!

But I don’t have time to be online!

Let’s start making progress and skip making excuses. The next time you frown at spending time on social media, cringe at the thought of updating your website, or scour at writing that next blog post… remember, you have to market your business in a way that reaches your customers. It’s not all about you. Then think of how much money you might be leaving on the table.

If you’re still not motivated to pro-actively manage your online presence as an important part of your business strategy… think about the losers.

Think about how many businesses are struggling right now because they refuse to put the needs of their prospects above their own.

Refuse to manage their online presence because they don’t make the time to do it or don’t want to make the effort to learn.

They’re fading, just like the rotary phone. No thank you! I don’t want to fade like them, and I know you don’t either!

If your content is left stale and stagnant, what will you look like to your prospective customer: the rotary phone or the iphone?

Keep up with the times my friend. Are you leaving money on the table?


Miss Kemya


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