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You Need It, I Got It: Grow Your Audience, Visibility and Influence

With almost 30 million entrepreneurs in the United States alone, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle, causing you to be overlooked, overworked, and overwhelmed in your business. To stand out, it is imperative for you as a business owner to foster brand sensibility and effectively market, and most importantly, follow through with the unique solutions you can offer to your ideal audience.

These are the challenges addressed by me and my fellow co-authors in this breakthrough collaboration:

You Need It, I Got It: Conversations with Global Entrepreneurs on Growing Your Audience, Visibility & Influence


When you read this book, you will get real advice on business strategies and tactics that really work! Me and 15 other leaders peel back the curtain and share our experiences in You Need It, I Got It! We are sharing ways to get more visibility, build your influence and grow your business. Apply the lessons we’ve learned and fast-track your path to success!

Notice I say read and apply… it’s not enough to simply buy the book and expect osmosis to sink in for your business. You have to read and APPLY the strategies and insights learned to make an impact on your business and your brand.

But don’t take my word for it. Meet my fellow You Need It, I Got It! co-authors, take a peek at some of the nuggets shared, click on the authors that are speaking your language, and connect with them!


Allyson Byrd, The Profit Accelerator

Allyson sums it up:

You Need It, I Got It! creates the ideal space for any entrepreneur who’s ready to do more, be more, create more, and oh yeah––MAKE MORE.

Tweet Allyson @allysonbyrd


Katrina M. Harrell, Social Impact Entrepreneurship

When you understand the needs of the community [you are doing business in] and the culture of the community, then you can better understand how to hire the right people, decide which industry you should be working in, focus on what your business should be doing, and learn how to find more customers.

When you need an operational structure, Katrina is your go-to! Tweet Katrina @katrinaml #LoveLiberates


Click here to get your copy of You Need It, I Got It: Conversations with Global Entrepreneurs on Growing Your Audience, Visibility & Influence on


Maleeka T. Holloway, Media Pitching

To be featured prominently in the media, start small and start local. Start with smaller publications so that you build buzz around yourself. Clients hire Maleeka to get to the big guns in the media world.

Connect with Maleeka and learn all about her signature model on how to pitch to the media! Tweet Maleeka @officialmaleeka #TheOMG

The proof is already published! See Maleeka’s article about this book, entitled 16 Entrepreneurs to Pay Attention To in 2018 on Huffington Post.


Dalia Wilmoth, Image & Style Consulting

Unlike fashion, style comes from within, and my mission is to help my clients figure that out. A lot of times, women dress based on what’s trendy… We see what’s going on in the media, and we try to compete with one another. I want women to realize their true identity and self-image, so they can add value to this world.

This is a powerful statement! Read Dalia’s chapter and learn how to take authority! Tweet Dalia @prettyauthentic #prettyauthenticated


Shani E. McIlwain, Platform Building

Gaining more visibility is all about networking. You can gain speaking opportunities through networking, building relationships with people, and supporting other like-minded people who host events.

If you don’t stay persistent in research and relationships, your business will be stagnant. You’re not going to get speaking opportunities, and people are not going to notice you. Your platform is not going to grow, and you’re not going to get recognized.

Networking is essential to business growth, and Shani can show you the way! Tweet Shani @Shanimcilwain #Sharingwithshani


Related Article: Networking Effectively Increases Your Opportunities, Leads and Sales

Yawne Robinson, Education Reform

I have learned that for the vision and the how-to steps to be completed, you must be organized, be clear, hire quality people, and most importantly, build solid relationships. Either you have to be a true visionary or you have to hire a person who is a visionary to be on your team.

Yawne’s words ring so true for entrepreneurs : “If you don’t have a clear plan and intention, you will stay in a spiral, feeling drained, like you’ve lost your edge.” Tweet Yawne @TheEdSuite #educatorsuite


S. Monique Smith, Grassroots Marketing

According to Monique, the most effective way to build an audience is to create and leverage partnerships. Monique’s advice when it comes to gaining financial support is to make your inquiry small, but make your reach large.

Be sure to check out her chapter for ideas any business can use to gain the money and support needed for growth. Tweet Monique @knownasmonique #lookup


Click here to get your copy of You Need It, I Got It: Conversations with Global Entrepreneurs on Growing Your Audience, Visibility & Influence on


DeAngelo McCoy, Strategic Management 

All entrepreneurs should create a process. Having a process or system in place is invaluable to any business leader because it allows them to think in the full scope of their creativity.

If you are an entrepreneur I know this resonates with you! Read DeAngelo’s chapter to learn how you can filter every problem through his SQuad leadership and management model, to create a working strategy. Tweet DeAngelo @Deangelogmccoy #nextlvlinc



Ifedayo Greenway, Personal Performance

I help women change their perspective on pain by understanding how adversaries and obstacles are strategically placed in their life to use as motivational tools. Not everybody’s plan is going to be the same, and you have to establish a plan that is tailored to you.

Plus, she shares her 4-step system that allows you to foster forward movement and momentum! Tweet Dayo @igandmore #BecomingMore


Sabrina Thomas, Special Needs Parenting

If you have a child with special needs, my number one recommendation is to get support and get connected. When you’re connected, you’re supported. You know you’re not going through it alone, and that support will help you be productive for your child.

Find out how you can join her community for encouragement, support and resources. Her lessons ring true for your personal life AND professional life! Tweet Sabrina @bre4specialneeds #EspeciallyLoved


Click here to get your copy of You Need It, I Got It: Conversations with Global Entrepreneurs on Growing Your Audience, Visibility & Influence on


Joyce Kyles, Holistic Restoration

I teach people the importance of transparency to successfully overcome adversity and transform their story into a solution. Recognize that whatever you’re going through, whatever your adversity is, it is a journey and a process. Whether it’s professional or personal, it didn’t happen overnight. It happened over time, so it’s important to understand that it takes just as much time, if not more, to get over those adversities.

Tweet Joyce @joycekyles #solutionspeaker


Lashana N. Williams, Business Startup

Discovering your purpose-driven profession requires a lot of self-assessment. To take you from where you are right now to where you want to be, you have to look at your mindset and make sure it’s aligned properly with your goals and plan of action.

If you are interested in making every day a Friday and discovering your custom-fit profession, connect with Lashana! Tweet Lashana @Lashanacoaches #parallelpreneur


Related Article: How to Focus on Clear, Actionable Goals


Tanya Barnett, Building Relationships

I want women entrepreneurs to know… in order to produce the outcome you desire in life and in business, it is all about changing your mindset and your behavior. I realized that transparency is so important in reaching your audience and growing your business.

Read Tanya’s chapter to learn how you can use transparency to crush your competition!  Tweet Tanya @reallifecoach #reallifemovement


Yahshikiah “Yah” Hughes, Emotional Wellness

Many people think wholeness is only possible for those people who have access to better things, but it’s available to everyone. It’s not something for which you have to have a lot of money, or ask permission to have, and it’s not something that you stumble upon. Wholeness is attainable, but you have to work at it every single day.

As Yah says “You cannot conquer what you don’t confront. Give YOU a try!” Tweet Yah @yahhughes8 #madeforpurpose


Tracy E. Mitchell, Life & Work Balance

I teach women how to intentionally manage their time and resources to avoid quick burnout. Women in business must learn the necessary principles of maximizing their day, their overall life fulfillment, and their influence.

Tracy talks about the need to put yourself first, and how this directly affects your success and influence. Tweet Tracy @Iamteemitchell #powerpurge


Related Article: Busy Is Not A Synonym For Productive


E. Che’meen Johnson, Team Building

I help my clients stay focused on the collective output and outcome rather than their ego, and I teach the importance of collaboration in achieving success. To be successful as an entrepreneur, all women should know thyself and trust thyself. If you do this, you will be able to react to situations in business in a more rational way.

Learn why E’Chemeen says journaling strengthens your self-confidence. Tweet E’Che’meen  @Echemeen #authorondeck


As you can see, You Need It, I Got It! is power packed with advice, strategy, and lessons you can use right now to get ahead personally and professionally. Click here to buy your copy! 

Miss Kemya

More about the Book


Compiled by Multi-Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Tieshena Davis, You Need It, I Got It! spotlights sixteen trusted coaches, consultants, and advisors who share industry-specific lessons and strategies to teach you how to conquer common entrepreneurial challenges, tailor your passions to guarantee the betterment of your business, and dominate in your niche. Through transparent advice on tried-and-tested practices for success, this book provides an invaluable space for you to connect with global leaders in entrepreneurship and use their expertise to build on your own, making it possible for you to grow your audience, increase your visibility, and expand your influence. You Need It, I Got! Get your copy at



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