Top 10 Best Ways to Impact Your Blog and Website SEO

Top 10 Best Ways to Impact Your Blog and Website SEO

Blogging, Website Design & SEO
In all honesty there isn’t much that's more important than search engine optimization (SEO) when it comes to ensuring that you get the word out about your business. SEO is part of everything you do online. There is on-page and off-page SEO that every online and offline business owner should employ. That is, if they want to successfully market their business online. How Much Does Your Website SEO Matter to Your Business? Creating a highly optimized website or blog can go far in helping you get visitors to your site before you even start creating content. Ensure that you have a plan from the beginning, and that plan will pay off. The entire set up of your site can be based on good SEO practices. Proper keyword-rich domain name, strong…
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The Difference Between Long Tail Keywords and Short Tail Keywords

The Difference Between Long Tail Keywords and Short Tail Keywords

What do tails have to do with blogging? As it turns out, quite a bit!  Long tail keywords, an important buzzword in marketing that many non-marketing people don’t understand. The term “Long Tail” was initially coined in 2004 by Chris Anderson in an article in Wired magazine.  It was initially used to describe the niche business strategy that is used by companies like Amazon.   So, what's the difference between short tail keywords and long tail keywords? Short tail keywords are anywhere from one to three words, and they target a mass audience. Long tail keywords are anywhere from three to five words or more, that target a specific search criteria. A person that performs a long tail keyword search is looking for a very specific item. If you use a long tail keyword…
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How To Increase Your Blog Traffic Using Keyword Phrases

How To Increase Your Blog Traffic Using Keyword Phrases

While there are still many bloggers who just blog because they like to write and express their ideas online, most people want someone to read it. If you want someone to read your blog, you need traffic. And you don’t just want a little traffic, you want as many people as possible to share your blog with. The best way to reach potential blog visitors is through the search engines. And the best way to show up in the search engine results is to optimize each of your blog posts for a specific keyword phrase. How to Increase Your Blog Traffic Using Keyword Phrases Step 1: Find a keyword phrase Don’t just sit down and write about any subject that enters your head. If you really want to appeal to people,…
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Event Recap: BarkWorld F-U-N

Event Recap: BarkWorld F-U-N

Blogging, Branding, Marketing Strategy
I jumped into the final quarter of 2011 by indulging in a new experience and making a bunch of new friends in the process. I had the pleasure of hanging out with the pet loving community at BarkWorld, what an experience! First, I have to personally thank Women Intelligently Networking via TarynP for sponsoring my ticket. I had no idea what I was getting into, but if you know anything about Taryn and Denise Quashie, founder of BarkWorld™, you know they know marketing and social media, so you just go with it! What is BarkWorld? According to the website “BarkWorld is THE social media conference covering ALL facets of social media, pet lifestyle & business education for all pet lovers.” This is EXACTLY what the conference is all about! Even though I’ve owned…
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